Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep19

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Third Person POV-

"Can you guys stop being irritating! I'm right here." Jungkook snapped, making Haejee flinch. She looked at Jungkook, eyes wide, he had never spoken to her like that.

Jungkook walked closer to Haejee, his hair messy, stains of lipstick still smudged around his lips, his eyes were puffy from crying, he wasn't in the best state.

Haejee looked at Jungkook with so much concern and worry. "Jungkook, are you okay?" Haejee placed her hand over Jungkook's forehead. He grabbed her hand and pushed it away. "I'm fine."

Haejee didn't believe him, she kept on staring at him, when she realized the smell that surrounded her, she gasped "Jungkook, are you drunk?" She asked waiting for him to reply.

"Just mind your own business." Jungkook said pushing pass Haejee, walking towards his grandma's room.

Haejee caught up with him, holding him by his arm. "I won't let you in, especially when you're drunk. What would grandma think? You're being like her son, you think she would be proud about this?" Jungkook pulled his arm away, still walking in.


"Jungkook, you're back. Where were you? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" His grandma asked, smile not leaving her face. "I'm fine, grandma. Just rest, I'll be right here." Jungkook said holding his grandma's hand.

Haejee walked in, still eyeing Jungkook, who put on a whole mask. "And who are you?" Jungkook asked looking over at Hoseok.

"I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok...Haejee's boyfriend." Jungkook stared at Hoseok for a couple seconds, making Hoseok feel uneasy and then nodded.

Haejee sat next to Hoseok, holding his hand, while she looked at the fake smiles Jungkook was giving their grandma, but she (grandma) was so gullible, especially when it came to Jungkook, she believed anything he said.

She was finally asleep. Jungkook pulled his hand away, walking to the couch in the corner of the room and laying on it. Haejee walked up to her cousin and stood in front of him.

"What are you still doing here? Why haven't you left yet?" Jungkook asked irritated. He didn't know why was he feeling like this, he suddenly felt the urge of pushing everyone away, being sick and tired of getting attached to people, that only leave him in the end.

"I'll leave. After you tell me what's up with you." Haejee stood waiting for Jungkook to speak to her. She told Hoseok to get to the car before her, because she didn't want to involve Hoseok in her family matters.

"I don't have time for you, okay! Now leave, or I'll call security." Jungkook threatened.

"Wow~call security? And that's going to work? Your forgetting she's also my grandma.." Haejee scoffed.

"She wasn't your grandma when you ran away. Plus...I'm the only guardian for her, she's under my name, so yes, I'll call security and it'll work." Jungkook said with a smirk placed on his face.

"Fine, I'm leaving. Oh and before I go, I just want to tell you to clean the lipstick stain you have left on your lips from god knows who." Haejee said walking out out of the room.

Jungkook sighed, sitting up, reaching for a napkin from on the mini table and started wiping his lips.

He looked at he door and frowned. "I'm sorry Noona. I don't want anyone to be close to me anymore, you guys just end up leaving me."


"Haejee. You okay? You haven't said anything since you walked into the car, your worrying me." Hoseok asked concerned.

"I'm okay. Thanks for worrying, I'm just a little tired." Haejee said leaning her head on the window, closing her eyes and ready to shift to sleep.

"Are you sure? Is it your cousin? Because when you walked in with him, you looked uneasy."

"That's because I am. I'm worried something is going on with Jungkook and what makes it worst he doesn't want to tell me, it's bothering me." Haejee was now sitting straight, looking at Hoseok.

"Haejee, you can't expect him to tell you everything that is going on with his life, especially when you haven't been around him for along time. He still has to adapt to you." Hoseok said stopping at a red light.

"But he used to....Jungkook used to tell me everything...when we were younger." Haejee said looking at her hands, tears willing up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry babe. Just give him time, he'll come around..." Hoseok said taking hold of Haejee's hand in his.


She sat in the same place, she still didn't move, she couldn't. She traced a finger on her lips and the memory of Jungkook kissing her aggressively, kept playing in her head over and over.

She couldn't stop smiling, even though in the end of all the kissing they did, he humiliated her, she was still smiling.

She played the words in her head, she then realized Jungkook was technically implying that she was an attention seeker, which he wasn't wrong, but it just made her realize how sad her life actually was.


She looked at Jungkook's sleeping form, and her expression saddened, she was hurt, she wanted to take his pain away, it hurt her more, knowing she was one of the reasons he was in pain.

"Jungkook, why do you keep lying to me. I'm not gullible Jungkook, I just pretend, I know your not okay."


Sorry short chapter

But thanks for 800 reads!!
I'm literally so thankful, it means a lot. I literally get to happy when I see that some people add my trash to their reading list. Thank you guys so much!!

Thanks for reading

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