Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep26

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Sara POV-

I was walking to Mr. Kang's classroom as fast as I can. You see....I help Mr. Kang with a lot of things, for extra credit. But Mr. Kang never asked for me at lunch, I wonder why did he today?

I was walking to Mr. Kang's class, when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a dark room. The room smelt like dust and cleaning equipments, I then guessed I was in the janitor closet.

I tried screaming, but it was impossible. The person held their hand over my mouth firmly. The room was dark and I couldn't see the person.

After I stopped trying to scream, the person turned on the lights and my eyes went wide. She held her finger to her mouth, singling for me to be quite. I did as she said, I was scared, no terrified, she can do anything to me and nobody would even believe me against her.

"If you walk into the classroom, you'll get screwed. Minji and her crew are planning to hurt you." She said "I heard them talking and since it's her/Minji's dad's class, it's easy for her to have full access." Y/N tied her hair in a ponytail.

I couldn't believe my ears, was Y/N helping me? Why? She always bullied me. "Why are you helping me? Wouldn't you be happy to see me get screwed? Doesn't it satisfy you seeing poor people hurt?" I asked. I know I should be thankful she helped me, but curiosity got the best of me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, I should've never treated you like that. We're all human and money doesn't define us....I can't believe I forgot that. I let money, popularity control me. Please forgive me." She fell on her knees and started crying.

I looked at her, but didn't move a muscle, I couldn't. Lee Y/N just apologized to me. Out of all people she apologized to me Choi Sara, also known as Ms. Nobody.

"Please get up." I helped Y/N up and wiped her tears. "I forgive you Y/N. I'm sorry for asking harsh questions, your probably in a bad state, after everything that's happening-oh my-I'm so sorry, I should've never brought that up."

Y/N shook her head and chuckled. "It's okay. Thanks for forgiving me, I promise I won't hurt you ever again, or anyone. I'm really trying to change."

I looked at her with a smile, I know she's telling the truth, it shows in her eyes. She really wants to change to the better.

I was smiling at Y/N while she was fixing her hair, for the fifth time. But my smile faded away when I heard Minji. "Where is she?! She was supposed to be here!!"

"I'm telling you Minji, I seen her walking here, but she disappeared." I heard someone slam their hand on the door, I'm guessing it was Minji.

"Disappeared? You know how dumb you sound? Find her!! Or I'll make you disappear!!" I looked at Y/N, she looked mad.

Y/N pushed me out of her way and walked out of the janitor closet.


Third Person POV-

Y/N walked out of the closet, surprising Bora (Minji's follower/friend). She seen Minji walking away and smirked.

"Yah!! Minji" Y/N called out. Minji turned around with a confused expression.

"Y/N? Where did you come from?" Minji walked back to her old spot, in front of Y/N.

"Minji!! I found her! She was in the janitor closet." Bora pulled out Sara by her hair.

"Ah~~ I see. Your the one that made Sara 'disappear'....funny. You think you can hide her away from me? I have to teach her a lesson, move." Minji pushed Y/N's shoulder and walked past her, but stopped. Y/N was pulling her hair.

"You aren't doing anything, not when I'm around." Y/N pulled at Minji's hair, making her stumble back in front of her.

"Yah!! Who do you think you are?!" Minji yelled.

Y/N looked at Sara and realized how tight was Bora holding her hair. "Let go of her, Bora! Or you'll regret it." Bora looked at Y/N and then at Minji.

"Bora only listens to me. Don't let go." Minji smirked.

"Fine. Have it your way." Y/N jumped, kicking Minji in the stomach. Making her fall. Bora's eyes widened and her grip on Sara's hair loosened.

"Ahh!! You animal!!" Minji stood up and pulled Y/N down.

And it turned into a cat/girl fight.


"Ten more minutes for the bell to ring. I'll walk to class now. I don't like crowded halls. I wonder where's Taehyung? I didn't see him today..." Jungkook picked up his plate and threw it in the garbage can.

He walked to the restroom and washed his hands. After he was done with other things in the restroom, he started walking to class.

He was walking to class, but stopped when he heard screaming. He followed the voice and found the source of it. Jungkook was shook. He seen Minji, Sara, Y/N and Bora fighting.

Y/N was on top of Minji, while Bora was on Sara. Jungkook ran up to Bora and Sara, pulling Bora off of Sara. "What do you think your doing?!" Jungkook half yelled.

He looked at Y/N and Minji, who haven't noticed him and pulled Y/N off of Minji. Letting go of Y/N as soon as she was off of Minji helping her/Minji.

"Kookie..." Minji frowned.

"Who started this?" Jungkook asked.

"It was her, Kookie. Her and her friend Bora. You seen how both of them were on me and Sara." Minji walked up to Sara and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"That's not true. They both tired screwing Sara. Plus I would never be friends with that follower." Y/N defended.

"Y/N...I know this is your way of defending yourself, but no need to call me a follower..if anything I'm your follower, I'm always doing what you tell me to do." Bora walked up to Y/N and started stroking her hair.

Y/N and Sara were both shocked. The way they flipped everything on Y/N. Y/N wanted to end both of them, but couldn't. She kept thinking of the way Jungkook helped Sara and Minji up. But with her it was different. She wished she had the same treatment.

"Enough!! You guys are all confusing me. I'll believe what ever Sara tells me. Tell me Sara, how did this all happen? Who's telling the truth?" Jungkook put his hand on Sara's shoulder.

Minji singled to Bora to grab Jungkook's attention and Bora did, screaming out of no where. Minji looked at Sara and whispered something into her ear, making Sara's knees go week.

"I'm so sorry. I just thought I seen a spider." Bora apologized.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Sara, waiting for her to answer.

"The one lying is Y/N....she tried hurting me, her and her friend Bora. But Minji was there to protect me." Sara looked down, feeling ashamed of herself.



BTW new book cover!!

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