Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep35

253 11 2

Third Person POV-

Things haven't been going good. Jungkook faking the idea of dating Minji, it got too real, to the point she was always at their house. Any doubt Haejee had, vanished. She believed Jungkook was head over heals for Minji. On the other hand Hoseok just wouldn't believe it, he couldn't.

Hoseok was smart enough to realize the look in Jungkook's eyes. He didn't look at Minji like she was the one. He always had a smile on his lips when he looked at Minji, but the smile was never wide enough, it never reached his eyes.

Which is why Hoseok acted sick. He was going to spy on Jungkook and Minji. He was going to find out what are they hiding. Haejee left the house leaving a 'sick' Hoseok. Hoseok knew by now Jungkook will definitely be coming back home with Minji.

Hoseok walked into Jungkook's room and placed a camera in there, and a voice recorder. He knew he really didn't have to stay home, but to set up the camera he needed Haejee out and she would never leave if he was going to work, she would let him drop her off.

Honestly he was kind of afraid. 'What if their not faking and they go in the room and start doing things.' Hoseok cringed and shook his thoughts away. He had to do this, he knew Jungkook wasn't happy, Jungkook was begging for help, he needed someone to hold onto, but couldn't find the right person.


It was already the last hour and everyone couldn't wait for the bell to ring. Taehyung walked the corridors and walked into the classroom. He looked around and found the sickening sight; Minji and Jungkook. Both holding each other, Minji smiling the entire time and Jungkook nodding to whatever she said.

Honestly it was obvious that Jungkook didn't like Minji, but everyone was so blind, they couldn't see right through him. He tried doing things that Minji wouldn't notice, like just nodding, I mean a loving boyfriend wouldn't just nod to everything you said. But Taehyung didn't notice it either.

Taehyung was also worried about Y/N. It had been a week now and she still hasn't showed up to school, or contacted anyone, except Jungkook. She had sent him a message telling him not tutor her anymore, that it was her dad's wishes, so he didn't have to worry, which made him sad.

He might've acted like he hated the tutoring sessions with her, but truth be told, he loved them. He loved the way she huffed in her chair when she couldn't answer a question, or when she laid her head onto her desk, or the way she smiled when she solved a problem right. It all made him smile, but he hid it away.

Jungkook looked at the sleeping Taehyung and wished he could tell him everything, how he hated the way Minji tagged along with him almost every time. The way he hated her touch, he hated her lips when they touched his, he hated all of it.

Jungkook was startled, when Minji suddenly kissed him, once again, against his own well. She brought her mouth close to his ear and whispered. "Stop staring at him like that, people will think you like him." Minji pulled away and stood up. She left the class, and Jungkook let out a relieved sigh.

He looked at Taehyung, but he wasn't in his desk anymore, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and looked around the class.
"Looking for someone?" Jungkook flinched at the voice that came out from behind him.

He turned around and seen Taehyung standing right behind him. "Uhhh-no-yeah- I was looking for Minji." Jungkook sighed and looked down.

"Lier." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him out of the classroom. Taehyung didn't let go of Jungkook, until they got to the roof.

As soon as they were on the roof. Taehyung pulled his hand away, and Jungkook's arm fell to the side. "Why are we here?" Jungkook looked around and found a bench. He walked up to it and set down.

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now