Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep40

301 12 5

3rd Person POV-

Jimin was laying down, looking through his phone. It was a Sunday morning and he was texting Jungkook. Jungkook had told him that Y/N agreed to go on a date with him on the next Tuesday.

Jimin was happy for both, but he couldn't say he was happy about his state. He was in a hotel room that didn't cost much. But he knew his money wasn't going to last long. So he had to find a home and a job.

Jimin was looking at his texts and got an idea. He smiled to himself and nodded at his good choice. Jimin turned off his phone and plugged it into the charger.

He walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After he was done he got dressed and packed his things, not forgetting his phone. He left the hotel room with his two duffle bags in his hand. He gave the keys back to the front desk and headed to his car.

Even though he didn't have a home he still had his car, because it was a gift from his uncle, and not his parents. Jimin looked at his phone that didn't have much charge and checked the location.

He was heading to his new home, hopefully his new home.


Haejee set on the couch next to her beloved cousin. He didn't seem normal and it was obvious. It looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"Can you just say it already? I know you want to say something." Haejee snapped. Jungkook gulped and smiled. He looked at her a little nervous.

"Uhhhh...I...I'm going on a date this Tuesday." Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers. "Y/N accepted to go with me." Haejee's eyes widened and she smiled, but it immediately dropped.

"You can't go." Haejee said with a stern voice.

"What-why? What do you mean I can't go?" Jungkook questioned her.

"I won't allow it." Haejee stood up and looked at Jungkook. "I love you, and I want you to be happy but-"

"Noona!! You said you'll accept her, you'll accept us!!" Jungkook yelled a little hurt.

"I didn't say that. I can't. She's an engaged women, you can't go fucking around with other people's lives. You'll hurt whoever she's going to marry." Haejee looked at Jungkook who stared at her blankly. "I'm sorry." She was walking away, but stopped when she heard Jungkook laughing.

Haejee turned around to make sure she wasn't hearing things and she wasn't, Jungkook was indeed laughing. Haejee furrowed her brows and walked back up to him. "What's so funny?" She folded her arms.

"I forget to-I forget to-AAHHH" Jungkook couldn't stop laughing.

"What did you forget?!" Haejee snapped getting irritated with him. "That she's engaged? You're laying!" Jungkook shook his head, and took a deep breath.

"I forgot to tell you guys. Y/N isn't engaged anymore. Her ex-fiancé gave her up for me." Haejee gave him a confused look and waited until he continued. "You see....I knew her ex about 1 year ago. He was a friend of mine, I guess." Jungkook wiped a tear that fell.

"When I went out to tutor her, he came with us, and we immediately remembered each other." Jungkook took a breath.

"After our tutoring session, Jimin said he saw the way we looked at each other, that he seen love between us. So he gave her up, he never liked her anyway." Jungkook shrugged.

Haejee had no words, she was just surprised. "And who knows about this?" Haejee asked.

"Just you and Jimin." Jungkook stood up walking to his room, but heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it." Jungkook walked towards the door and opened it. Jungkook looked at the person in front of him and knitted his brows.

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now