Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep22

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Third Person POV-

When Jungkook got to the hospital, he seen nurses running in and out his grandma's room. He panicked. Jungkook ran to the room, to only be stopped by a nurse, she didn't let him walk in.

"I have to see my grandma!! Let me in!! What's going on?!" Jungkook yelled, he was scared, he wasn't ready to lose her, he still didn't make her happy, give her the life she deserves. Jungkook didn't even apologize for hurting her.

His grandma could see Jungkook struggling to get in, but she couldn't say a word, she couldn't tell the doctors to let him in, with this mask on, her lack of breathing, it was impossible.

"Please..I have to see her. It might be my last time.." Jungkook collapsed on his knees, hopeless. They refused to let him in, what was he supposed to do?

Jungkook started crying next to the door, while Hoseok and Haejee watched from afar. They thought it was best to let him be alone right now, he needed space.


"Excuse me, are you Jungkook?" Jungkook looked up at the man with a white lab coat.

"Yes. What do you need? Did something happen to my grandma?" Jungkook stood up worried.

"No, but she's in bad condition. I just wanted to tell you, before we put the oxygen mask on her, she was asking for you. So I'm going to let you in, but I have some con-."

Before the doctor could open the door, or give any instructions. Jungkook opened the door, running towards his beloved grandma, holding her hand. The nurse looked at Jungkook confused, about to kick him out, but got a signal from the doctor to let him be.

The grandma smiled the moment she saw Jungkook, she was happy she could see him before she was gone.

"Grandma...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for hiding so many things from you, I just didn't want you to stress about my problems. All I wanted was for you to be happy. But I couldn't make that happen, I'm sorry." Jungkook held her hand tight, the thought he might lose her. He started crying.

His grandma shook her head, reaching for his face. She placed her hand on his face, wiping his tears, it was hard, but she did her best. "D-d-don't b-be s-so-sorry." Was all that she managed to say. Which calmed Jungkook down, knowing his grandma forgave him, she wasn't mad at him.

"Grandma, please don't leave me, I only have you. I know I have Haejee, but still I want you, I can't live without you." His grandma gave him a warm smile, hand still on his cheek, but it dropped. She couldn't keep it up any longer, she was too week.

She looked at Jungkook one more last time, her vision getting darker. She managed to say her last words before she was gone forever. "I-I-Lo-ve y-yo-u" and her eyes were shut.

"No! Grandma please!! Why are you guys just standing do something!!" Jungkook yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"There's nothing we can do, the cancer took of her body. She was too late to come to us. We're sorry." The doctor apologized and walked out.

The doctor walked to Hoseok and Haejee, head low and told them the sad news. Haejee stormed into the room, crying. She regretted running away, she wish she had spent some time with her grandma.

Jungkook was holding his grandma's hand, crying, he didn't know if he could live after this, how could he? His grandma was the reason he kept moving. The reason he wanted a better future. The reason he worked so hard.

And now shes gone, leaving him with no one. She was like his mother, and he lost her, he lost his second mother.

The doctors took her away, leaving Jungkook in the room that held her last memories. Haejee walked up to Jungkook, sitting next to him. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to her.

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now