Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep10

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Third Person POV--

Jungkook knew damn well what was coming for him, he already lived in peace for 3 years and he loved it, but nothing ever lasted with him. Mr. Jeon (Jungkook's uncle) grabbed the mop, looking at it with an evil smirk as he walked closer to Jungkook. Jungkook couldn't do anything, how could he? This man that hurt him so much was still his uncle and Jungkook respected people older than him no matter what.

Jungkook just looked at his uncle's every move, the way he played with the mop moving it from one hand to another, the way he walked closer to him while whistling. Jungkook's hands didn't stop shaking no matter what he did. He tried his best to stay in his right mind, but he just couldn't, all of his old memories 3 years ago just started coming back. If Jungkook had to choose his fear, then he would have to choose his uncle.

Jungkook closed his eyes feeling the mop hit his arm, but that wasn't the end, no that wasn't even the beginning. "Oh...how much I've missed this!! Do you see this Jungkook?!" Mr. Jeon pointed at his muscle on his arm. "I've lost some muscles while you were gone, now I need to get them BACK!!" Mr. Jeon yelled the last word while breaking the mop on Jungkook's knee. Jungkook didn't say a thing, not a word, he just kept quiet hoping someone would come in and save him.

Mr. Jeon looked at the now broken mop and chuckled. "I guess I didn't lose that many muscle, don't you think so Jungkook??" Jungkook looked at his uncle, hatred showing all over his face. Jungkook had enough of it, he couldn't shut up anymore, he tried his best to not say anything, but he was done putting up with his uncle's behaviour.

"You're c-crazy, you need h-help!!" Jungkook  stuttered, the words barely coming out, not because he was scared, it wasn't that anymore, it was the pain that made him stutter, the pain was spreading slowly all over his body, it was killing him from the inside.

Mr. Jeon looked at Jungkook, frustration showing all over his face, he grabbed Jungkook by his collar, pulling him up and close to his face. "You dare talk to me like that!! Did you forget everything I've done for you!! You fucking PSYCH-.." Jungkook kept his eyes shut, waiting for his uncle to give him a punch, but nothing happened, all that was heard was a bang. Jungkook opened his eyes to see his uncle on the ground, he looked up to see his grandmother.

"G-grandma? What are you d-doing here?" Jungkook tried to stand up but ended up on his bottom, his knee didn't want to function, no it couldn't. The pain took over his entire leg and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"My poor baby, he did this to you, did he always do this to you, was this the reason you hated it when he was around?" His grandma started crying while she kept her hands on Jungkook's face.

"It's alright grandma, I'll be okay, it's just a little scratch." Jungkook was referring to the busted lip he had from the punch. His grandma kept shaking her head, she couldn't stop crying, Jungkook mattered to her, he was the last thing she actually cared for, her son had and daughter-in-law had died, her other son was a jerk, who didn't care about her, who else would she care about.

"Why did you come grandma? I-it's late." She looked over at the chair next to the door. Walking over to the chair, grabbing the items that were on it waiting for attention, which was a lunchbox.

"I came to give you this, because you said you had the night shift today. I'm glad I came, or god knows what he would've done to you." She didn't get her eyes off of Jungkook.

"Grandma it's okay, I'm okay. Can I see what you have in the lunchbox for me, I'm hungry." The grandma started opening the lunchbox she had packed for Jungkook one by one. The aroma of the delicious food was all over the place.

Jungkook smiled taking his first bite. Jungkook kept that smile on his face just to make his grandma feel better, even though the pain didn't stop, he didn't want to worry his grandma, he had to put on his fake smile he always put on.

After he was done eating, his grandma insisted they should call the police, even though he wanted to, he didn't want to hurt his grandma, he was still her son and Jungkook respected that fact more than anything.

"Grandma it's alright, we don't need cops in family matters." Jungkook said with a warm smile.

"I'm afraid he'll hurt you again." Jungkook looked down, clearing his throat.

"Can I defend myself if he ever tries to hurt me again? Can I protect us from him? If you allow me to fight him back, I'll do it, but if you don't want me to...I won't." His grandma gave him a warm smile and lifted his head.

"Of course you can, it's selfdefense. Keep that in mind Jungkook, no matter who is it, or what ever status they hold, if they ever hurt you, always defend yourself, understand?" Jungkook nodded to his grandma and looked at his uncle who was still knocked out.

"What am I going to do with him, Grandma? What do you think I should do with him? I have to close in a little bit, it's already time, but I can't leave him here? Where can I take him?" Jungkook was going to close now and get back later, but that was impossible if he didn't find a palace for his uncle.


A/N: hi everyone!!
I'm sorry I took a long time to upload this story, but I hope you guys enjoyed it😅☺️

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now