Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep15

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Jungkook POV-

After finally finding my lost cousin, I felt at ease, I felt like a big weight was lifted. She didn't know about everything that was going on, simply because she was gone, but after telling, and explaining everything to her, she cried for my parents, and understood why her father didn't live with us anymore.

"So, will you come and visit? Grandma really does miss you." I say giving her a hopeful look, a look that begs for her to agree, and pay us a visit.

"Of course I would, I'm just afraid. What if grandma doesn't want to see me? what if it's only you who thinks that?" She says fidgeting with her fingers.

"I know grandma more than her own kids, she would love to see you." I say placing a hand on hers.

"Okay, I'll promise to come, but when I'm ready." She says giving me a smile. I nod, and stand up, to throw the rappers in the garage can, forgetting about my leg once again. "You should really get your leg checked up Jungkook." She says with a concerned look. "It's fine, just a couple days and it'll get better." I say giving her a tight smile. "Seriously! You believe that? That man literally broke the mop on your knee, and you think it'll just get better." I smile nervously noticing what I just said really does sound stupid.

"Okay. Okay. I promise I'll go and get it checked up tomorrow. Anyway..where do you live now, house or apartment? are you in any relationship? Or anything? We've been talking about my life and everything going around with me, but not yours." I asked leaving the wrappers in my hand. Haejee smiles at me, and takes a sip of her drink that we had both ordered.

"I live in a house, with my boyfriend." She grins before her face flushes into a bright red. "You live with a man, in one house?" My eyes widened at the thought of them doing things. She slaps my arm playfully knowing what I was thinking about. "Stop looking at me like that. I'm 22 I'm not a teen Jungkook." She states. I look at her and then continue... "You won't be saying that when you get pregnant at a young age, and live the life of a mother missing your youthful life." She smirks at me and starts. "Who said I didn't already have kids?" My eyes widened once again, this time more surprised.

"IM JUST KIDDING!!" She laughs out loud, with the same laugh I got used to long time ago. "You should've seen your face!! You were like..." and she started making face expressions. I was still caught up with everything. But then I finally spoke "your fucking stupid." I said standing up, I had to head home, to grandma she was alone.

"Where are you going? I'm sorry? I didn't mean for the joke to hurt you." She started apologizing. I turn around and face her with a smile. "Dummy. I'm not mad, I just have to get back to grandma." She nods feeling relieved. I wave goodbye and start to walk home.


I sat on the familiar couch feeling uncomfortable, as Taehyung sits opposite of me. I stare at him but when his eyes meet my gaze, I look at the ground, feeling awkward. We've dated for a while but now everything we had vanished, maybe because it wasn't really true, maybe because I couldn't give him my heart. I did love him, just not in the way I'm starting to fall for Jungkook all over again.

"Thank you.......for letting me in." I smile and wait for Taehyung to respond. "Don't misunderstand anything, I jus let you in, because I have a heart, unlike some people." Taehyung says bluntly, looking directly at me; making my heart shatter into more pieces. "I know. Nobody would care for a terrible person....like me." I proceed to say.

Taehyung stands up "good." He says before walking away, into the room, leaving me alone. I really did ruin everything, I should've just broke up with him if I was going to cheat, but no, I had to cheat and take it the harder way. Even though everything between every other man meant nothing, I still know what I did was wrong.

I lay on the couch, trying to get comfortable, because it was already too late to go home, and with my brain in a terrible state, I don't think I'll be able to focus on my driving.

I look up at the ceiling, and my body shivers. Yes, I was in a house, but it was still cold. With this cold weather starting and my stupid self wearing shorts, trying to please a man that is not even interested in me. I roll my eyes at my stupid self, and close them, before I knew it I was in dreamland.

Third Person POV-

Jungkook was finally home, it took awhile, because of his injured leg. He would've took the bus, but he had no money on him. Paying for drinks for him and his Noona, meant he was walking home.

He grabbed his keys out of his pocket, breathing hard, because of the pain. He was going to see a doctor tomorrow, and that was for sure.

Jungkook opened the door, kicking his shoes off and walking inside. He was hoping to see his grandma, she always waited for him but he didn't see her around, which made his heart sink a little, because he didn't kiss her 'goodnight' didn't talk to her about his day, all these little things mattered to both of them, it made them happy. He walked inside tippy toeing, not trying to wake his grandma, and walked into his room.

He sat on the bed, before getting up to change, just to catch his breath. Everything that had happened today played in his head. He noticed the jealous expression Y/N had on her face, he could've simply said 'Haejee' because she loved being called by her name more than 'Noona' but no. When he realized the looks Y/N gave Haejee, and Jungkook when he hugged her, he loved it, he loved seeing Y/N in pain, he wanted Y/N to boil with anger, he wanted her to feel pain. Knowing she's starting to fall for him all over again, he took that as an advantage to hurt her.

Jungkook stood up and walked to his closet, grabbing shorts and a t-shirt. He walked into the bathroom to freshen up, he was drained with sweat.

When he walked out of the bathroom, stumbling, he wore his underwear, slid his shorts on along with his t-shirt. He walked in his bed and laid down. He thought about some stuff, before he remembered his tutoring session with Y/N. He growled in a low tone, remembering he didn't even have a choice to leave. But tomorrow he had to call the tutoring off, because he had to go to the hospital no matter what, I'm the end he promised.

-Next Morning-

Jungkook woke up and it was oddly quite, he didn't hear the low voice of the T.V his grandma watched every morning, he didn't hear the dishes hitting each other while his grandma made breakfast, it was all too weird. He stood up worried something had happened to his grandma.

He walked out of the room, almost tripping, and looked for his grandma, when he stopped at her room, his eyes widened and he ran closer to his grandma that was laying in front of her closet.


Double update!!
How do you guys feel.
BTW still not edited I really do apologize for any mistakes.

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now