Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep17

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Third Person POV-

"Haejee! Can you stop hating on me? I'm here, because I need help from Hoseok, my friend, if I may remind you!! I'm going through tough things right now. I literally just ended everything with my girlfriend!!" Taehyung said looking over at Haejee.

"The bitch of girlfriend you had? Glad you ended things with her." Haejee scoffed, while she sat besides Hoseok. She knew his girlfriend too well, although Y/N never knew Haejee, Haejee knew Y/N from Taehyung.

Haejee would see Y/N at the cafe she worked at all the time with a new guy, which made Haejee mad, after she found out Taehyung was dating her, it got on her nerves. She wanted to tell Taehyung numerous times, but she just couldn't, she knew he would've gotten defensive over her, so she never told him.

"You don't even know her!! I showed you one picture of her, and you hated her ever since. You didn't even want to meet her!!" Taehyung got defensive over his ex-girlfriend, he didn't even know why, he just did. Which was expected from him.

"Okay. I don't know her. Tell me about her Taehyung...if she's so~~ good, why did you break up with her?" Haejee said, folding her hands over her chest. She was ready to hear what Taehyung had to say, and she was definitely ready to say the words she loved 'I told you'.


She was sitting on her bed, waiting for her mother to come and tell her 'your tutor is downstairs' but she didn't.

She was already having a bad day since the morning. When Y/N woke up in the morning, she was still on Taehyung's couch, with a blanket over her, but Taehyung wasn't home.

She wore her shoes and left the house. She accepted that she had no chance to make Taehyung her friend anymore. She drove back home and freshened up. She was now waiting for Jungkook.

She decided if she couldn't gain Taehyung, she should at least gain Jungkook. She flipped on her bed over and over. She had been waiting for 4 hours now and he never showed up. She was mad, no she was furious.

The only thing she kept thinking about was the waitress, she hated the thought that he ditched her for the waitress. She didn't know anything, but she just assumed he was with her, because how close they seemed.


Jungkook was running in and out of the room. He was their for his grandma, whatever she wanted he gave it to her. "Jungkook-ah, you need to rest, I'll be fine." His grandma said, getting a hold of his hands.

"No, I won't. I don't want to miss anything." Jungkook shook his head and held her hand tighter.

"I don't like seeing you like this. And what's wrong with your leg, you've been limping for the past two hours.

"I'm okay, as long as your okay." Jungkook smiled at his grandma.

"Does your leg hurt from when your uncle broke the mop on it?" She asked worried.

"You don't have to worry, grandma. I'll go check on it right now." Jungkook said nervously.

He walked out of the room, walking to the front desk, to set him an appointment.


"Why didn't you ever tell me?? Why didn't you tell me you knew Taehyung's girlfriend?!" Hoseok nagged at Haejee from the millionth time since last night.

"Babe! I told you. I didn't know her, I just seen he a couple of times at the cafe I worked at and every time she went there, she was smashing on some other man." Haejee said tying her hair into a ponytail.

"That's why you hated her. You should've told Taehyung, you just made him stay in a messed up relationship." Hoseok said turning Haejee to face him.

"If I did, he wouldn't have believed me. He still gets defensive over her even after he knows she cheated on him." Haejee said moving Hoseok's hands from in her shoulder and walked out of the bedroom.

"Where are you going anyway? It's Sunday." Hoseok asked looking at Haejee who was now tying her shoelaces.

"I'm going to the hospital." Haejee said standing up.

"Your what!! Why?!" Hoseok was no concerned. "Are you okay?! Is everything good?" He asked scared.

"I'm okay. I really can't tell you everything right now. If you want to come, I'll explain to you on the way, if not, you'll have to wait until I'm back." Haejee places a hand on Hoseok's cheek.

"I'll get ready, wait for me."


Jungkook left the room, after getting his leg tied, it wasn't bad, his leg was going to be okay, in a week or two. Jungkook limped back into his grandma's room, after getting instructions from the doctor, that he shouldn't be walking on his leg.

He walked in to his grandma struggling to reach the cup of water from on the table. He ran up to her and gave her the cup. "Thank you." She thanked, drinking out of the cup. Jungkook just stared at her with a sad expression, she was now too week to even reach her things, it hurt him.

"Grandma....when you need something you should call me, no matter what is it, I'll always be here." His grandma handed the cup to him, while he placed it back to where it was, on the table. "Honey...you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. I can't jus be calling you over stupid things, like to reach my cup, you know how grandma is, she's an independent woman." She gave Jungkook a warm smile, laying back on her bed and closing her eyes.

Jungkook stood up and decided to go grab something to eat, since he hasn't ate a proper meal for a long time. Before he walked out of the room, he pecked his grandma's forehead. After he made sure she was okay, he left the room and started walking around the corridors, finding his way out of the building.


It's been an hour or two and Jungkook hasn't came back yet, no worries, he was probably hungry, but his grandma was starting to worry, knowing Jungkook won't leave her side, especially when she's in this terrible state, it just made her worry about her beloved grandson.

"My Jungkookie....where are you?" His grandma asked worried, she dialed his number again, but there was no reply.

She was sitting on the bed waiting for the door to open, welcoming the face of her grandson.

When the door opened she looked at it with a smile expecting Jungkook to walk in, but it wasn't. Who came in shocked her, she was happy, but surprised.


Ahhhhhh sorry for the boring chapter, I promise the next one will be better!!

Thanks for reading

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