Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep16

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3rd Person POV-

Jungkook was now sitting next to the emergency room with Haejee's arm wrapped around his shoulder, they were both scared if their grandma didn't wake up. Haejee even regretted running away for the first time in her life.

Jungkook kept recalling when he seen his grandma on the floor, his heart sank at the memory. He found her lying next to her closet. He seen orange bottles laying next to her. When he read what were they for, he couldn't hold himself, he wanted to end himself, how did he not realize his grandma was slowly dying.

He blamed himself for everything, if he wasn't so focused on ruining Y/N, he would've paid more attention to his grandma. After all if his tries to ruin Y/N, he failed anyway. In the end she's the one who ruined him. She made him forget about the most precious thing in his life.

He cursed at himself for falling fr her trap, he said mean words about himself, he wanted to feel better but he couldn't. His grandma was laying in that E.R, because of him and that's what he kept telling himself.

"Jungkook.....it's not your fault, stop blaming yourself." Haejee said, shaking Jungkook a little. Jungkook looked at her, face stained with tears. "It is. It is my fault. She was suffering and I never realized it!! She had lung cancer for a year and I'm now just finding out. She wasn't supposed to clean, or dust anything, because that would make it worst, but she did, because of me!! I focused on school more than her!! And look!! Look what happened!!" Jungkook put his head back into his hands and started crying again.


After hours of waiting, the doctor came out. Haejee and Jungkook stood up, hoping for good results.

"She's up now. I don't know how she survived it, but we're glad she did. But....she doesn't have enough time anymore. Her time has come to an end..." the doctor said facing the ground "we're sorry." Jungkook collapsed on his knees and started sobbing. Haejee sat besides him also crying, but didn't want to show it, because she thought she should be the strong one, so that Jungkook would have someone to trust, to lean on.

They both walked in the room their grandma was in. They couldn't believe what they saw, she looked worn out, with the oxygen mask on her face. It hurt them seeing her like that.

Jungkook walked in, grabbing a chair and placing it next to the bed. He held his grandma's hand and started crying. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me your not fine? Why did I have to find out all on my own? I-I can't lose you grandma, your all I have." Jungkook looked at his grandma's weak hands, more tears shedding.

"Oh, m-my boy...." a muffled voice was heard, Jungkook looked up to see his grandma tearing. "Don't cry. I hate when your sad." She barely said. "How am I supposed to not cry, when your like this? If you ever leave me, I won't be happy." Jungkook said while he kissed her knuckles.

Haejee watched from a far, afraid to approach them. Jungkook was so focused on his grandma, he forgot about Haejee. Haejee didn't want to interrupt their moment, she left the room quietly. She promised she was going to visit tomorrow, no matter what.

She was walking away, but she suddenly heard someone call her name. "Haejee!" She turned around and seen Jungkook running after her. When he stopped he clinched his hand on his knee and shut his eyes tight. "Where are you going? You were supposed to see grandma." "I will, I promise I'll come tomorrow. Right now, you stay with her. And please now that your in a hospital check on your leg." Haejee pointed at Jungkook's leg, and walked away.

Jungkook walked back to his grandma and she was sleeping. She must've been so tired. Jungkook sat next to her, laying his head on her bed, and feel asleep holding his grandma's hand.


Haejee was now at the bus stop waiting for the bus. As soon as the bus came, she climbed in, paying for the ride, and sat in an empty seat. She laid her head on the window and thought about Jungkook, she felt so bad for him. When their grandma dies how will he be? Sure, Haejee loves her grandma, but not as much as Jungkook does.

Haejee knew she was going to be sad when their grandma dies, but she knew she can still go on with her life, but Jungkook....he worried her, how was he going to keep up?

The bus stopped and Haejee hopped out. She walked to her house, which didn't take her long, because it was close to the bus stop. When she walked in, she stopped next to the door, taking off her shoes, she could hear her boyfriend talking to someone.

"No way!! How dare she!!" He said. Haejee rolled her eyes, guessing he was talking on the phone. He literally knew more drama than she did, which didn't surprise her, he had a better life and he had friends that told him everything.

She walked into the living room, glancing over at her boyfriend. He was sitting with a friend drinking soda. She sighed at the sight of his friend, because he only came over to complain, or if he needed something.

"Babe! Your home. How did it go? The meeting?" He asked with a smile on his face. Haejee didn't tell him she went to visit her grandma, she wasn't ready to tell him that she met her family. He knew everything, but she was still not ready.

"It was good. What is he doing here? Complaining again?" Haejee said pointing at the red headed boy, earning a grunt from him.

"Haejee! Can you stop hating on me? I'm here, because I need help from Hoseok, my friend, if I may remind you!! I'm going through tough things right now. I literally just ended everything with my girlfriend!!"

I'm starting to update more often!! Yay 😀!!

Let's get to know each other...how old are you guys? I'm 16 about to be 17 this month, on the 20th!!! Ahhhhh I can't believe it, I'm so old now. Anyway tell me your age?

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now