Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep28

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Third Person POV-

"So this is where you live?" Minji asked, looking at Hoseok and Haejee's house. Jungkook nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Nice. Can I come in and introduce myself to your parents?"

Jungkook looked down and then back at Minji. "Their dead." Jungkook opened the door and let himself out.

"I'm sorry. I really am. Do you live alone?" Minji apologized.

"It's alright, it's been years. And no, I don't live alone, I live with my hyung and my-" Jungkook spoke, but was cut off.

"Jungkook your home? I thought you were going to work after school..." Haejee was on the sidewalk, walking home.

"I decided to eat something before I go." Jungkook replied with a smile, walking to Haejee and greeting her with a hug.

Minji looked at them with wide eyes. She was frustrated, she was angry. 'Does he already have a girlfriend? Is that her? The waitress!' Minji thought, clinching onto the steering wheel.

"Who brought you home? Who's that in the car?" Haejee pulled out of the hug and asked. 

"Oh..wait here." Jungkook walked back to the car and looked at Minji who was looking straight a head. "Minji. Come out, I want you to meet someone special to me." Minji looked at Jungkook and faked a smile. She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

When Haejee seen her, she knew her. Haejee examined Minji with just one look. She knew Minji was mad, it was obvious. Haejee guessed Minji liked Jungkook. But Haejee didn't like Minji. She knew Minji was one of Y/N's friends and they both were the same. Always coming in the cafe with a new guy. Haejee wasn't going to let her cousin date Minji.

"Haejee this is Minji, my friend. Minji this is Haejee my beloved-" "girlfriend." Haejee exclaimed. Jungkook looked at Haejee and was confused, 'why would she say that? There must be something, Haejee wouldn't say she's my girlfriend for no reason.'

"Yeah. My girlfriend." Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around his cousin's shoulders.

"Oh, really. Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you say you have a girlfriend?" Minji forced a smile.

"You ever asked. If you did, I would've told you." Jungkook looked at Haejee and ruffled her hair.

"Oppa~~I'm hungry-let's go eat before you have to go to work." Haejee nudged at Jungkook's arm.

"Okay babe. Well I'll see you tomorrow Minji. Thanks for the ride." Jungkook and Haejee walked into the house, while Minji watched.

Minji walked into her car and started driving home. "I can't believe this!! He literally has a girlfriend!! Ahhhhhhh!!! And it's the waitress!!" Minji screamed.


Jungkook and Haejee walked into the house, each pulling away from each other.

"Ew. Ew. Ew. I called you oppa.." Haejee made a disgusted face.

"I freaking called you babe!! You know how awkward was that?! Why would you lie? I know there's something, so tell me." Jungkook walked to the kitchen and sat on a chair.

"You see....that girl...she's friends with Taehyung's ex." Haejee started.

"You mean Y/N?" Jungkook asked and Haejee nodded. "Okay. What does that have to do with it?"

"You see how hurt Taehyung got? You could be the same if you date Minji. Their both the same. I warned Taehyung so much. But he never listened." Haejee walked to the fridge and grabbed some vegetables to start cooking.

Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now