After the Past

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The morning light streamed through the windows...right onto your face, waking you up. It was about eight am. You got up and looked around the hotel room. You went into Mr.L's room. The bed that your captor slept on was nicely made and put back together. Where was he?

Well you would have to find out after you got ready. You exited the hotel room and went into yours . The main area in your room had nice smell that smacked you in the face. It was your favorite pancake recipe. It was something only Luigi made for you.

"Good morning my lovely rose, would you like a pancake?" He said. You nodded. "Are you ready for the carnival?"

This time you didn't respond.

"Are you ok? Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"I was wondering...why are you wanted, and why am I missing?" You said. He pondered for a moment, then spoke again.

"I don't really know, something or someone has been telling me these things, to take you out to the carnival to help you, etcetera etcetera. After a while it wasn't the voice telling me to do it, it was my own actions. " He said. You went silent.

"I just want to go back to how it was..." You muttered.

"Okay then...when we get back... you can do whatever you please, but will you bare with me until we get back?" He sighed, with slight disappointment.

"I... I'm... sorry... for dragging you along." He said.

You stayed silent. You had to figure out what happened to your best friend. You continued to stay with him to find out what happened to Luigi.

The Total number of words typed: 285 words

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now