Uh Oh

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You finally got to the mushroom kingdom's Gateway. Poor Luigi once again became seasick. It was thunderous with a small bit of rain. Mario was ready to pick you two up in a car home. You were about five minutes from the parking lot, and you still didn't quite have your land legs. You slowly waltzed over to Mario's car. You stopped quickly to tie your shoe.

A large clear box appeared around you encapsulating you and Luigi. You banged on the invisible wall.You looked at Mario. He had a panicked expression.

"What the Hel-" you were cut off by a familiar voice.

"You do not need to use that type of language my dear." You turned around to see Dimentio about to snap his finger. "Say goodbye Mario. For you may never see them again."

"Wait-" You heard him yell, but he was cut off when you were transported to a place that seemed familiar.

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now