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I successfully connected to Y/N's dream. It was in an old church house with a large stained glass window behind an alter. I looked around Luigi was still tyed up in the corner. I walked over to him to untie him when suddenly I was tyed up by magic. I, along with Luigi, were tied up and thrown into a closet that branched of from the main chapel. Well we are trapped. Crap.

(Your Point of View.)

Antasma tricked me! The nerve of him. All I wanted was for everyone to leave me alone. All because of my stupid purity heart. He left me in a room to get ready for something. Whatever he had planned worried you. He had a few of his minions do your hair and make up. Your dress was a fancy princess dress and you had a small tiara on. Oh no...

(3rd person point of view)

The large cathedral has flower pedals scattered across the floor. The room had ribbons hanging from the ceiling. Rows of empty chairs were organized in the room. At the front of the room was Antasma the Nightmare King. He had a suit with a purple rose in its pocket. On the other end of the room was a young woman wearing an outfit that made her look like royalty. She was teleported towards the alter. She looked nervous. Antasma summoned a clone of himself and he was dressed as a priest. (A/N he has no accent cause I'm too lazy.) The priest skipped many of the important parts of the ceremony

"Do you Antasma, King of Nightmares, take Y/N protector of the purity heart to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said.

"I do." Antasma said with a thick accent.

"And do you Y/N protector of the purity heart, take Antasma King of Nightmares to be your lawfully wedded husband." The priest said.

Y/N had the words "I do" forcefully pulled out of her mouth.

"Is there any objections?" The priest said quickly.

"I now announce you Nightmare Queen and Nightmare King. You may now ‐" The priest was cut off by Luigi and Mr.L jumping out of the closet.

"I object!" The two of them said In unison.

"SVEE! She's alrveady mine!" Antasma hissed. That pissed off Mr.L. He tackled Antasma and pulled at his hair. Y/N on the other hand was being rescued by Luigi. He was about to be rescued when suddenly Antasma attempted to provoke Luigi.

"Your are va couwvard!" He said. Luigi continued to walk awake with Y/N in his arms.

"She shall ve mine vone day. I wvill take her powers and kvill you, Mr.L and Y/N!" He yelled trying to pull off Mr.L.

"One second please." Luigi said putting Y/N down on the chair. He joined in on the beating of Antasma. Antasma took so much damage that he soon poofed. Y/N woke to the sight of Mr.L lying next to her, holding hands.

The total number of words typed: 518 words.

(A/N wow 2k thanks so much!)

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now