This is fine...

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(drawing by me :3)
This is fine. Luigi is going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. Well that isn't exactly true, but you couldn't focus on that for now. You two were just sitting ducks as you two trudged slowly through the mansion.
"Are you-" he coughed slightly "Okay Y/N?"
"The real question is are you okay, your barely breathing." You said.
"No he is not okay, and he won't get any better." King boo laughed deeply.
"Do you mind explaining what you did here?!" You asked.
"Well I basically took away Luigi's heart and life force. He doesn't need it. Right? Well I dont care anyways." He huffed and turned around.
"Why do you need Mr.L then?" You asked.
"Well Mr.L is actually Luigi's lifeforce. Not only that, but I'm going to be rewarded by an anonymous villain to capture you and the emo person next to me." King Boo finished. Mr.L pondered next to the ghost. Was it Dimentio? Probably.
"Well the gangs all here. Pay up." Mr.L said abruptly. Something was up with this exchange.
"Okay fine." The ghost king sighed. He possessed Mr.L quickly.
"What are you doing?" You asked with fear in your voice. You stood in front of Luigi protectively.
"Well my flower I'm trying to..." Mr.L cut himself off by saying. "Stop flirting with the girl and grab her!" He grabbed your arm.
"Shut up! I only needed you so I could live out side of the mansion!" He started to pull his hair out in frustration. You finally saw his eyes. Half purple and half silver. He pulled you to his side causing Luigi to fall.
"Let go of me!" He pushed Mr.L away and ran over to Luigi and helped him stand up.
"My dear you will learn to love me~"
"Why are you doing this?"Luigi wheezed slightly.
"Well, my prison is finally talking to me. What are you going to do there Weegee...going to trap me again...forget me... put me down like I'm nothing! Well you can't do that if your games over." His voice changed. It sounded darker and...hurt? He dissapeared and your chase began. Your searching for half of your friend.

(A/N again schools a pain in the butt so sorry for this being short.)

Thanks to:
For the amazing comments in my last chapter. Those made my day and made me super happy.

Whelp I'm going back to drawing. Peace.

Chaos And Purity (Under Editing)(Mr. L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now