Banri's Secret

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Banri quietly closed then door then looked around, making sure no one was around.

"Banri?" Muku called out, spooking him.

"What?" Banri hissed, not liking being surprised.

"Oh, uh... I was... I was just... I'm sorry." Muku said, rushing back into the dorm building.

"He scares too easily..." Banri muttered as he headed back inside as well.

"Where have you been? You missed practice. Aren't you supposed to be the leader?" Sakyo snapped the minute he stepped inside.

"It's not like I can't catch up next practice. You need to chill out sometimes." said Banri with a shrug.

"I will have Izumi put you in bathroom cleaning duty if you miss the next one." said Sakyo before walking away.

Banri frowned, displeased with Sakyo's attitude. He was always harshest on him. He headed into the kitchen and saw Omi and Tsuzuru cooking. He opened the fridge and took out a cold snack.

"While you're in there, mind handing me the swiss cheese?" Omi asked.

Banri pulled it out then handed it over before leaving. He was about to head back to the storage room only to be stopped by Homare.

"Look, I really don't want to listen to your terrible poetry." said Banri, taking a bite.

"I can assure you this one is magnificent." said Homare, unfazed.

Banri walked around him then snuck his way back into the storage room. He had to finish and hide them before anyone could notice them. He sat on the floor and picked up the paintbrush, gently dipping it in paint and painting on the object in his hands. His body, mind and soul relaxed as he continued to work, precisely painting in the right spots.

"Has anyone seen Banri? I need him so I can beat this boss." said Itaru outside the storage room.

"I just got back... Ask the resident grandpa. Heard they had practice." said Kazunari, referring to Sakyo.

Banri waited with his breath held as he no longer heard voices. He relaxed then continued painting. For once he just wanted to be left alone, freely being able to paint on ceramics. His ears perked up at the sound of the knob turning. He quickly hid everything then took out his phone to make himself seem busy.

Hisoka entered and looked around, missing Banri in his assessment. Hisoka found a spot off in the corner diagonal from Banri and fell asleep. Banri quietly exhaled, knowing Hisoka wasn't one to blab. He only had a bit more to paint until he was finished. Hisoka opened his eyes and finally saw Banri. He closed his eyes as it wasn't any of his business.

Time passed and Banri had finally finished his work. He gently placed the last one in the bag. He looked up and saw Hisoka was still asleep. Should he wake him? He figured he would as everyone would get on his case for letting Hisoka sleep in such a place.

"Marshmallow..." Hisoka muttered.

"Come on, we've got to get out. Heaven forbid we get stuck like this." said Banri, shaking Hisoka awake.

Hisoka didn't budge. Banri rubbed his temples in irritation.

"I'll feed you marshmallows if you get up and sleep in your bed." said Banri.

Hisoka immediately got up and fled to his bedroom. The man's love for marshmallows was astounding. Banri closed the door to the storage room then slung the bag over his shoulder.

"Banri! There you are!" Itaru said from up in a window.

Banri fled inside the building, hoping to reach his shared room before Itaru got to him. He closed the door, relieved he had escaped Itaru.

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