Rigged Games

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Makoto dragged Hisoka along with him, excited to start their theme park adventure. Hisoka held him back, worried he'd end up getting himself into trouble.

"Let's see what we can do first and make a plan. Okay?" reasoned Hisoka, opening the map.

They planned out how to spend their day, saving the games for when they were on their way home. The duo got on many rides, Makoto often squeezing Hisoka's hand tight on rollercoasters. The day quickly flew by them as they enjoyed themselves.

They happily held hands as they browsed the games. Hisoka wasn't too keen on playing as the games were usually rigged.

"Watch me win that large one." Makoto said, pointing to the ring toss.

"I don't advise it..." said Hisoka, despite finding the stuffed animal intriguing.

Makoto paid the booth owner and was given rings. Hisoka watched as Makoto missed each toss.

"You lost so let's go." Hisoka said, pulling on his arm.

"I can do this. I'm really good at ring toss. That large animal is coming home with us." said Makoto defiantly.

Hisoka sighed heavily, watching Makoto pay them yet again and missing once more. The cycle continued until he finally spoke up again.

"You're gonna go past your budget like this. I'll just buy you one after saving up." Hisoka suggested.

"Why don't you try?" Makoto asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Look, I really-" he said then found himself caving from Makoto's puppy eyes. "Okay. Just one game."

Makoto watched as Hisoka handed over a few bucks. He tossed a ring. It landed perfectly. He tossed another. That one was perfect as well. Both he and the booth owner stared in shock. Hisoka tossed the last ones, all of them successfully making it onto the pegs.

"W- We have a winner!" said the booth owner, still in shock.

"How did you do it!?" Makoto asked in disbelief.

"I tossed them. You were standing right next to me." said Hisoka with a concerned look.

Hisoka was handed the large stuffed animal. Makoto sighed heavily as they made their way out of the theme park.

"Mako." he called out.

"I'm too depressed to talk." mumbled Makoto, mostly jealous that he got it in one shot.

"You can have it. You really wanted it, so here." said Hisoka, placing it in his arms.

"But you won it." Makoto countered.

"I'd much rather see my boyfriend happy with the stuffed animal than my boyfriend depressed over it." reasoned Hisoka, giving him a smile.

Makoto became misty eyed before giving Hisoka a tight hug. Hisoka kisses the tip of his nose, glad to see he was back to himself.

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