The Narcoleptic Boy: Sankaku

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Hisoka slowly nodded off at the counter of a convenience store. He worked during the mornings and late nights. They were usually not the busiest times, which gave him time to power nap. A customer entered the store just as he was close to knocking out.

"Welcome..." he muttered, yawning.

He started to wake up then squinted. The hair color and style were familiar. He needed them to turn around. They turned around and he felt disappointment. Who was he looking for? Why was he looking for them? The customer placed the items on the counter, waiting for Hisoka to ring him up.

"Is... that your natural hair color?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh, not at all. I just thought I'd go for a change. My friends love it." he responded with a smile.

Hisoka gave him his purchase, receipt and change before saying his farewell. He slouched in his seat as he thought. Why was he thinking of someone who didn't really matter to him? They met, had some conversations and never met again after that. Yet he found himself pointing out meaningless triangles wherever he went. Even now he was noticing the triangular shape of a piece of candy.

He sighed then closed his eyes. It didn't matter. If he was meant to be in his life, he wouldn't have disappeared for weeks without notice. He pushed all thoughts of Misumi out of his mind and vowed to forget him. He had his life to live and the guy had his own. More customers came in, forcing him to greet them and sit up.


Hisoka yawned then noticed his coworker had finally come in. He thanked the heavens as he'd finally get some sleep. He zipped up his coat then noticed the ground was somewhat wet. He didn't bring an umbrella. He shook his head, decided to brave it and make a run for it.

He dashed down the block as he covered his head. He just needed to make it to the bus stop and he'd be able to stay under the shelter until his bus came. He stopped at the curb as the hand was visible. No cars were coming in either direction. He stepped out into the street then stopped as he noticed someone flying down the street. Hisoka backed up just as they whizzed past through the now red light.

He continued towards the bus stop and was glad to see it within sight. He frowned, seeing that they had taken some of the shelter down. It wasn't like that when he got to work. He quietly sat as he was drenched from the downpour. Hisoka sneezed then sniffled. He was definitely going to catch a cold if he didn't take care of himself once he got home.

Hisoka noticed someone standing beside him, covering him with their umbrella. It couldn't be. He looked up then promptly frowned, seeing a teen girl busy on her phone, unaware that he was under her umbrella too. Why did he think of him? Was he expecting him to show up like he did before? He gripped his pants as he looked down at the ground. Misumi was gone. He needed to accept that. He needed to forget the kind stranger that was obsessed with triangles.

The bus pulled in. He and the girl got on and Hisoka blindly chose a seat, unaware of the person sitting next to him. The bus continued to make stops, his seat mate having gotten off at the current stop. He slid over and stared out the window. What was Misumi doing? He shook his head. It didn't matter. He needed to stop thinking about him.

Hisoka disembarked the bus and started to walk slowly to his apartment. No matter how much he told himself Misumi no longer mattered, he still deep down wanted to see him again. He wanted to see his stupid smile, hear him point out pointless triangles. He never asked for much in life, but this was one of the rare moments he wanted something.

He arrived in front of the building just as someone with an umbrella walked up as well. He couldn't see their face, making him want to interact less. Hisoka moved to open the door then felt a hand on his wet one.

"You don't have a triangle today." said a familiar voice.

Hisoka's head snapped up, taking in the sight of Misumi. Everything about him was the same. Same hair color, same hairstyle, same triangle earring, same triangle patterned clothes. He balled his hands into fists and hit him in the chest out of frustration.

"What was that for?" Misumi asked, displeased with the action.

"Who said... said you could leave..." Hisoka muttered, his body trembling.

"Eh~?" said Misumi.

"You left me all alone... I didn't know where you went... I... I looked for you..." said Hisoka, tears involuntarily falling.

"Did you miss me?" asked Misumi, clueless.

"What do you think!?" Hisoka shouted, surprising the both of them.

Misumi ruffled Hisoka's hair as he hummed.

"My bad. I'll take you with me next time~!" Misumi exclaimed with a grin.

Hisoka sniffled as he looked up at Misumi. His chest contracted as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. He didn't know how much he wanted to have him by his side again. Misumi's presence was one he treasured. Misumi ushered him inside the building, noticing his clothes were terribly wet.


Hisoka snuggled close to Misumi as he used his stomach as a pillow, a position he had fallen in love with. He always found it easier to fall asleep when the only thing on his mind was the rhythm of Misumi's stomach rising and falling.

"Mikage, how were you able to sleep without me?" asked Misumi, waking the poor guy up.

"Dunno... call me Hisoka..." muttered Hisoka, hoping he'd stay quiet and let him sleep.

"Eh, you can rest easy now. I won't be leaving anytime soon, Hisoka." said Misumi, patting Hisoka's head.

"Good. I missed my pillow..." said Hisoka with a pleased smile.

Misumi laughed then stopped patting his head. Hisoka groaned then started moving Misumi's hand himself, wanting to have his head pat until he fell asleep.

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