The Narcoleptic Boy: December

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Misumi rang the doorbell with his usual infectious smile. A bag full of marshmallows in hand, waiting to be scarfed down by the man on the other side of the door. He rang it in a pattern once more. It wasn't unusual for him to not respond the first time. It was when he rung it again he felt something was wrong. He tried the knob but the door, as expected, was locked

He knocked on a neighbor's door, inquiring about his whereabouts. They didn't know. Misumi's face fell. He should've been home. He hardly went out which was to either go to work or visit him. Or in rare cases, sleep outside for some reason. Was it one of the rare cases? Misumi quickly made his way out of the building, hoping to spot him where they first met.

Misumi arrived at the park and started looking around for his fluffy, white hair and those deep yet droopy light olive green eyes. He searched everywhere but couldn't find him. Did he actually go somewhere willingly? It boggled his mind. It made sense but didn't at the same time. What should he do? Go home? Keep searching? He made his way home, quietly wishing Hisoka kept a phone on him for situations like this.

Misumi worked on homework, only able to half focus. The rest of him kept thinking of Hisoka's whereabouts. His phone started to ring and an unknown number was shown to be calling.

"Hello?" he called out.

"Uh, hi. I found a piece of paper saying to call this number if he was found unconscious." said the person on the other end. "He just looks asleep to me..."

Misumi messily wrote down the address in a hurry then politely thanked them. It certainly took him by surprise to learn Hisoka had set something up like that. It was like he was the first person on speed dial. That is, if he had a phone.

Misumi finally reached the address and found it to be a peculiar store. He looked around then spotted the caller inside the cafe across the street.

"Ah, you're here. I was worried he was dead but I saw he was tightly clutching this piece of paper in his hand." they said with a concerned look. "Oh, he also had this bag."

Misumi took it then started shaking Hisoka awake. Hisoka slowly opened his eyes then noticed the bag in his hands. He snatched it away and hid it.

"I wasn't going to look... What were you doing out here anyway?" Misumi asked, walking him out the cafe.

"Shopping..." he muttered

Misumi lifted him onto his back as he walked back to the train station.

"Shopping for what?" Misumi asked.

"Secret..." Hisoka mumbled, getting comfortable.

"You're such a secretive person. Share some with me sometime just like I share my triangles." said Misumi with a happy giggle.

Hisoka softly chanted about triangles, trying to take his mind off of the present he bought him.

Misumi placed a bowl of rice in front of Hisoka who tried his best not to nod off. They gave thanks for the food before silently digging in. Hisoka looked at Misumi who worked on homework while eating. Was now a good time to spring the gift on him? He quietly left his seat and entered his bedroom. He picked up the bag then looked inside. Would he like it? He walked back to Misumi then held it out for him.

"For me?" Misumi asked?

Hisoka nodded. Misumi took the bag then looked inside. His eyes grew wide as he took it out.

"You like triangles and onigiris are triangles so-" said Hisoka only to have the wind knocked out of him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Misumi exclaimed, hugging Hisoka tight.

Hisoka hugged him back then felt relief when Misumi let him go. A smile appeared on his face at the sight of Misumi's gleeful mood. It was worth doing extra hours at work since he got to see such a beautiful reaction.

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