Breaking And Entering

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Yui was home alone as his mother worked late. His father was overseas for the entire year for "work". He often stayed holed up in his room, seeing no point in leaving it if it wasn't to use the bathroom or satiate himself. He heard a thud come somewhere, causing him to look around. He checked outside his door, wondering if the neighborhood cat had paid them a visit. He heard it again, coming from downstairs. He left his room, expecting to see a cat outside the sliding glass doors. He didn't see the cat. He started looking around the house, wondering if something was bumping against something else.

He no longer heard the thumping but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen again. After seeing everything was fine, he decided to head back upstairs to his room. The sound of something breaking sent him flying up the stairs. He started checking rooms before opening his, spotting a ton of glass on the floor, his completely glass free window and a short person staring at him.

"Hi." he squeaked.

"Hi." they responded.

He quickly closed the door then ran as he dialed the emergency line. He hid himself in a hidden space that only he knew of. He quickly explained the situation, keeping as calm as he could. He could hear their quick footsteps moving around in search of him. Yui kept as quiet as he could while the police were on their way. Of all times for someone to break in, it had to be when he was all alone.

He no longer heard footsteps. Did they give up? Did patrolling officers arrive? His body tensed up as footsteps could be heard clearly from where he hid. They soon started to fade. There was no way they'd find him. The entrance was cleverly hidden. Soon voices and quick footsteps could be heard. The police arrived. The voices started to die down along with the footsteps. Was the burglar caught? He crawled out of his hidden space and could hear the police talking clearly.

A cop had spotted him and started questioning him. Thankfully the woman had understood him to be speaking the truth. She led him out and Yui saw the police dragging the shirt person to the car. They looked back and Yui had audibly gasped.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"That person... that's my... my ex..." he muttered, unbelieving of what was going on. "Why would he do this...? I returned everything."

"Well we'll find out at the station." she said, leading him to her car.

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