Baby Knows Best

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"I'm not happy with our relationship." said Kyubei angrily.

"Then maybe we should break up." said Otae.

Kyubei was taken aback but stood her ground. She nodded then looked towards the sound of their baby crying out. They looked at each other, both knowing what the other wanted to say.

"I'm taking custody of our baby" they said in unison.

"I suggested we get her." said Otae sternly.

"But I paid all the fees." Kyubei countered.

They bickered back and forth before they finally came to a decision. They were going to have joint custody of her, three and a half days. Kyubei bustled about, picking up her things.

"Don't forget." said Otae just before Kyubei left through the door.

Kyubei played with their baby, making baby talk and cooing.

"Mommy Otae is a mean woman. You want to stay with me, right?" said Kyubei, tickling her tummy.

She squealed, her arms and legs wiggling about.

"Ah, one moment, Baby. Mommy Kyu has to go check on things." said Kyubei, leaving her spot on her couch.

Baby moved around in her cage then spotted her other mother on the table beside her. She wasn't moving. She sniffed around her cage, before trying to squeeze her way out. She wanted to be with her moms. Kyubei came back and saw her little one trying to squeeze through the bars.

"Baby, what's wrong...? Want to get out?" Kyubei asked, opening the cage door.

Baby walked out and headed over to the picture frame of Otae and Kyubei, holding her together with big smiles. She pawed at it, causing Kyubei to look.

"Ah, I should put this away." Kyubei muttered, picking it up. Baby cried out, turning herself towards the picture frame that Kyubei took. "You want to look at it?"

Kyubei placed the picture frame back down and watched as Baby pawed and sniffed at Otae in the photo. Kyubei looked at the photo as well and felt her heart waver. The memory of how the photo came to be started to replay in her mind.


Kyubei entered with Otae and immediately made a beeline for one of the cages. Kyubei cooed cutely, sticking her finger inside.

"Today's the day you come home with us." said Kyubei with a smile.

"Ah, aren't you the cutest little hedgehog?" Otae said, standing beside Kyubei. "We're going to take good care of you."

The clerk came over, recognizing them immediately. They chatted for a bit before the hedgehog was put in a carrier and brought to the front. They asked the clerk to take a photo of them before they left.

[End Flashback]

Kyubei sighed heavily then picked up Baby and the picture frame. Baby squealed and wiggled out of her hand, falling onto her lap and scurrying away.

"Baby, where are you going?" she shouted, following after her.

Baby pawed at the front door, getting a feeling she'd get to see her other mother if she got out. Kyubei picked her up, making sure she couldn't wiggle free again.

"You can't go out now. Mommy Kyu has things to do, so you have to stay here." said Kyubei, putting Baby back in her cage.

Kyubei left the picture frame by her cage as she got ready to go out.

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