Wet Season

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Sakamoto hid behind a wall as he was one of remaining two left on his team. Only one remained on the other, his crush. He hoped with entire being he wouldn't be tasked with taking him out, especially since a great prize was on the line.

A cry rang out from afar, putting him on alert. He looked out and saw his teammate on the ground, drenched in water. He was the only one left. Which meant his target was nearby at this point. He quietly walked around, keeping his senses sharp. Sakamoto quickly turned at the sound of a small thud.

"Come out and fight me!" Sakamoto declared.

No one appeared. He soon fled to a more open area so he couldn't be hit by a surprise attack. He had to come and face him now. Minutes passed and he was a no show. Sakamoto sighed, wondering how much longer he had to wait. Unless...

"He doesn't know I'm here..." muttered Sakamoto in realization.

Was it wise to tell him? It would certainly end the battle sooner. He sent him a text and started to wait once more. More minutes passed and a man clad in dark gray started to approach him with two large water guns. Sakamoto stood ready to fire.

"I was hoping it wouldn't get to this, but here we are." said Sakamoto, keeping his arm steady. "Any final words, Chrollo?"

"I can ask you the same thing." said Chrollo, lifting both guns.

They stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

"You actually have something to say?" Sakamoto asked, a bit surprised.

"Let's get a cold, sweet treat together after?" Chrollo asked, winking at Sakamoto.

Sakamoto blinked in surprise. He barely dodged Chrollo's attack as he took advantage of his frozen state.

"I don't see why not." said Sakamoto, firing back. "I have something to say as well."

"Oh? Go on." said Chrollo, dropping one of his water guns as it was empty.

"I'll tell you when we get our sweet treats." replied Sakamoto, teasing him.

Both fired. Both were hit at the same time. They looked at their damp clothing then started to laugh. Chrollo motioned for him to come closer as they walked back to officially end the competition.

"So, who won?" the organizer asked.

They said each other's names in unison. The organizer had the secret cameraman that followed them reveal the truth. They waited in silence for the reveal.

"Sakamoto was hit first, so the winner is Chrollo." they said. "So, come get your prize."

Sakamoto gave him a shove before turning on his heel to leave. He figured he'd wait for him by the entrance of the building. Minutes passed and a few friends had said their goodbyes to him as he waited. Chrollo finally came out, carrying a shopping bag.

"So, gonna go all out next week with those games?" asked Sakamoto, walking beside him.

"Yeah, I guess." Chrollo responded, slinging it over his shoulder. "Do you maybe-"

Their conversation was interrupted by their friends wanting to tag along with them, having no plans after the fight besides going home. Chrollo internally sighed, missing his chance to invite Sakamoto over.

"Oh, right. I still have something to tell you." said Sakamoto, realizing they wouldn't have privacy once they got to the store.

Their two friends had gone on ahead, recognizing someone. Sakamoto saw this as an opportunity.

"See, it goes like this... I uh, I figured since this was the last activity before summer break, I might as well tell you now in case I might need recuperation." said Sakamoto, now feeling unsure about the confession.

"Recuperation...? You think I'm going to hurt you or something?" inquired Chrollo worriedly.

"Uh, in a way." squeaked Sakamoto. "See, what I want to say is... I sorta kinda might have a... crush on you..."

Sakamoto let our nervous laughter as he blushed heavily. He had gone and said it. There was no turning back. He steeled himself for the rejection he was soon to face.

"I have a crush too." Chrollo responded, only realizing how bad it sounded seconds later. "Wait, I mean I have one on you too!"

"Me? Haha, I know you're a good guy, but you don't have to pity me here. I'm not trying to force anything." Sakamoto replied weakly, still wounded from his first reply.

Chrollo sighed, then pulled him closer by his waist. It was clear words weren't going to get through to him. Sakamoto frantically looked between Chrollo and the hand on his waist. This was happening. This was real life. He felt faint but managed to keep himself together as he really wanted to enjoy the moment between them more.

"So... are we...?" Sakamoto piped up after a bit.

"My idiot Moto, of course." chuckled Chrollo, switching his hold to Sakamoto's hand.

Sakamoto awkwardly laughed as he could've left out the "idiot" part. Nonetheless hearing Chrollo had mutual feelings was a pretty great start to his summer break.

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