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It was a cold, winter afternoon and fresh snow lied on the ground outside of the two story home. Freed poured coffee into a cup, it's steam rising and meeting the air above it before disappearing. He quietly placed it on the tray then made his way into the lounge room.

"Afternoon coffee and snacks are served." said Freed, placing them before his employer.

He silently bowed then started making his way out.

"Freed, I want you to pour yourself a cup as well and come sit down with me." his employer said, keeping his back to Freed.

He did as he was told then sat in the seat across. His employer shook their head and patted the seat next to him. Confused, Freed moved to that very spot.

"Talk to me. Tell me about your thoughts and feelings." he said, looking at Freed.

"You want to hear about me? Sir, don't bother. It's a waste of your valuable time." said Freed, a bit shocked.

"You aren't a waste of time. We've been together like this for at least a year now and known each other much longer." he said, taking a bite out of his cookie. "You're important to me."

Freed sipped on his coffee then placed it down on its saucer. Ja'far wanted to know how he was feeling. How was he feeling exactly? Happy? Thrilled? Upset? He didn't really know, he never really stopped to think about it.

"I'm... feeling fine. I think." replied Freed, looking at Ja'far. "I actually don't really know. I'm always busy doing something so I never really take time to focus on my feelings."

"Well, now you can. As of right now you are Freed, my close friend." said Ja'far, placing his cup down. "Talk about anything you want."

"Anything...?" Freed repeated and received a nod. "Even complaints?"

"You have complaints?" asked Ja'far with a raised eyebrow.

Freed instantly clammed up. Ja'far sighed then got him to relax and loosen up again. It was natural for one to have complaints, but what could Freed possibly have to complain about? The place wasn't big so cleaning shouldn't be difficult. He always had his clothes ready for laundry day, he always kept tidy and giving Freed less to clean up.

"I don't feel like I'm doing enough here. By the middle of the afternoon I've just about finished making the place spotless. I often just sit here, waiting for you to get back and make a mess again. Sometimes I make the place dirty just to clean it and keep busy." said Freed, voicing a complaint. "Give me more to do, please. I'll do anything."

"You... want more work? That's new..." replied Ja'far, truly finding it bizarre.

"I also wish you'd drink other beverages too. Sometimes the scent of coffee can be nauseating for me." said Freed, playing with his black glove. "I've puked once..."

"What? Why didn't you say something?" fussed Ja'far, shaking him by the shoulder.

"You have important things to worry about. I'm simply a disposable." said Freed.

A loud slap rang in the room. Freed held his cheek while Ja'far glared at him in anger. He couldn't believe those filthy words had left Freed's mouth.

"You are NOT something disposable, Freed. You are my closest and dearest friend. You're more important to me than you realize. You may not remember, but I do. That's why I asked for you, that's why I had you brought here to me." said Ja'far, cupping Freed's face. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." responded Freed.

"Good. Now, tell me more." said Ja'far with a smile.

The snow gleamed in the sunlight as Freed told Ja'far more of his minor complaints. It still made him sad to see that Freed didn't seem to remember their time together and the incident that drove them apart. He gripped his cup of coffee a bit tighter, staring at Freed who got up from his spot. Freed cleaned up the table and brought everything back into the kitchen. He came back and sat far from Ja'far again.

"Freed, I'm going out soon... so I expect to come back to a clean place." said Ja'far, getting up to retire to his room. "And a smile on your face..."

Freed gave him a confused look as he didn't quite catch the last thing he has whispered. He stood up and bowed to Ja'far.

"I'll see to that everything is prepared for your leave." responded Freed.

Ja'far quietly stood in the doorway as his vehicle awaited him. He looked back at Freed who wore a smile.

"I'll be going now then..." he said, patting Freed's shoulder. Freed nodded then noticed he wasn't moving. Did he forget something inside? "If only you could just remember..."

Freed sighed then got down on one knee, making Ja'far give him a questioning look.

"Whether I remember or not, I will always be happy to serve you, no matter what." said Freed, taking Ja'far's hand in his. "Truly, no matter what happens in the future."

Ja'far had him stand up before giving him a tight hug. Freed waved as Ja'far had finally gotten in the vehicle which finally took off. It gradually got farther away until he couldn't see it anymore. Freed picked up a bit of snow then compacted it into a small snowball. He brought it inside then placed it in the freezer. He had a cute idea that he believed Ja'far would love when he came back.

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