Magic Tricks

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Azuma held up a shirt against his body before putting it back. He did this a few more times until he was finally stopped.

"What are you doing? I can pick out clothes myself." said Aizawa, putting the shirt back on the rack.

"Can't I pick out what I'd like to see on you? Though, I doubt you'd wear it so I guess you have a point..." said Azuma, walking away from him.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that... Azu!" Aizawa said, frowning when he kept walking. "He's so sensitive lately..."

Azuma checked out a few shirts, seeing if they had the color he's been searching for. He felt someone tap him on shoulder. He looked and saw Aizawa holding out a shirt.

"Uh, you want me to try it on...?" he asked in confusion.

"I liked this one." muttered Aizawa.

Azuma looked at him then smiled softly, taking the shirt from his hands. He didn't think he would wear anything brighter than gray. Was he choosing one for his sake?

"Hey, if you don't want me picking out clothes for you, I get it. I won't. So, go put this back, it's not you." said Azuma before going back to searching the rack.

"I won't. I like this one, so we're getting it." said Aizawa, hanging onto the shirt. He checked the other side of the rack then picked up a shirt. "Is this close?"

Azuma's eyes widened and he happily took it from Aizawa's hands. This was the color he was searching for.

"Great, now we can finally get on line." said Azuma with a sigh of relief.

"There they are!" a woman shouted, pointing in their direction.

They looked at each other in confusion before fear crept in at the sight of cops. Soon they were being handcuffed and escorted out of the store.

"Why are we being arrested? We didn't do anything!" Aizawa exclaimed.

"Found it!" said a cop, revealing a pack of eyeliner from Azuma's bag.

Aizawa glared at Azuma who frantically shook his head. He would've remembered handling something like that.

"I can't believe you! Were you that desperate you resorted to stealing!?" Aizawa hissed as they were being walked to the mall cops' headquarters.

"I didn't steal anything, okay? Someone must've put it in my bag or it fell in. I'd never steal!" Azuma whispered back. "But don't worry, I've been arrested before. I can get us out of this."

Aizawa gave him a doubtful look. He couldn't possibly mean assaulting the mall cops.

"Hey, hey. Mall cops. How are you sure I was the one? Did you just take her word for it?" Azuma commented, trying to prove his innocence.

"No, we checked the security footage she provided." one said, sitting Azuma down in the holding cell. Aizawa was tossed in with him before they closed and locked it. "The police are on their way."

Aizawa sighed heavily, seeing no way out. Azuma cleared his throat, not giving up.

"How much of it did she show you?" Azuma asked.

"From when you paid up to when you left." they replied. "Stop asking questions. You're a guilty suspect."

"Why don't you check from when we entered. That should prove whether I'm innocent or guilty. You mall cops have access to security footage without the need of the shop owner right? One peek at the entire footage wouldn't hurt." said Azuma, grinning widely on the inside.

Aizawa was surprised to see the mall cop actually doing what Azuma suggested. Azuma turned to Aizawa and gave him a wink. All that was left was to see if he truly did put it in his bag. Azuma turned around as the cop opened the holding cell.

"My apologies. Seems like it was a confusing misunderstanding." he said, releasing them from their cuffs. "Seems it fell into your bag without your knowledge."

"I was wondering why I heard a small beep when we left." said Aizawa. "Tell that woman we demanded an apology."

"Now, now. Settle, Aizawa. But yes, I also think we deserve one. Accusing us of knowingly stealing without checking the facts." said Azuma softly.

The woman was eventually brought in and she gave them a sincere apology before going on her way. Azuma and Aizawa walked out as well, relieved to see they wouldn't be charged with theft.

"You said you've been arrested before... what did you do?" Aizawa asked, discreetly holding his hand.

"Uh... According to what my friend told me, mind you this was a few years ago, before we got together. I was drunk and got into a fight with someone at a bar. They were being homophobic so I apparently took my drink, poured it all over them before smashing the glass against their head." said Azuma with a smile.

"You, are a dangerous person." said Aizawa, detangling his hand from Azuma's, only to feel him hold tighter. "When drunk I mean."

"Think so? Maybe I shouldn't drink outside without a group to stop me." said Azuma with a chuckle.

"Sounds about right to me." said Aizawa, wondering how many drunk sides Azuma had.

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