A Small Condition

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Makoto laughed as he interacted with his friends and coworkers. He was well loved at his workplace and people often flocked to him because of his relaxing presence.

"Hey, Makoto, you've been taking the train lately haven't you? Are you moving back in with Jin?" a woman asked.

"Right! I've been meaning to ask that too! That means you're no longer seeing that guy." another said, causing the other women to nod.

"His temper is awful. Can you believe how he treated us when we were just trying to be hospitable?" a third said with a weary look.

"Ah, we should get going. See you, Makoto." the first one said, rounding up her friends.

"Harsh aren't they? Figured since you weren't taking the bus, you were single again. Such vultures." said Doran with a shake of his head. "But really, what's going on?"

Makoto sighed as he sank into his seat. Doran was the first person to actually care what was truly going on rather than assume.

"We fought and I said I wouldn't live with him anymore until he changes." said Makoto, taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee.

"Changes? Ah, you've mentioned he's a bit of a slob at times. Is that what you meant?" Doran asked.

"Yeah... It's becoming too much." said Makoto quietly. "I love him a ton but, there are some things one can't tolerate."

"So, you're still together, but now you're living with Jin again?" he asked, making sure he had all the facts.

"Right. I feel bad, imposing on him like this. I honestly don't deserve a friend like Jin." said Makoto, chuckling.

"Has he contacted you? Your boyfriend I mean." asked Doran, looking at Makoto who looked at the finances.

Makoto's lips pursed. Doran took his silence as a no. He's never met Makoto's boyfriend in person and has only heard his voice. The more he thought about it, no one has actually seen him.

"Mako-" he started then stopped as Makoto's phone rang.

"Hello? Huh? Put them on the phone. Huh!?" Makoto said, jumping up out of his seat.

He hung up and quickly started making his way to the elevator. Doran followed behind, wondering what was going on.

"Who was on the phone?" Doran asked as the boarded the elevator.

"My idiot lover." responded Makoto as he tapped his foot.

The doors eventually opened and Makoto started to jog over to the receptionist desk. There stood a man clad in casual wear, a small section of his orange hair tied up into a little ponytail.

"What are you doing here?" Makoto asked with his hands on his hips.

"Here." he said, placing a bag in his hands. "It's lunch..."

Doran looked between them, curious as to who the guy was and his relation to Makoto.

"Uh, Mako, who's this guy...?" Doran asked.

"This is my slob of a boyfriend, Kyousuke." said Makoto, his tone not as harsh sounding as the words.

"Way to introduce me." Kyousuke mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Really? He seems so cute though. You really can't judge a book by its cover huh." said Doran, looking Kyousuke over.

"Hey, eyes off the merchandise." Kyousuke hissed, noticing Doran's watchful eyes. "I'm a taken man."

"Kyousuke, is it that hard to be nice once in a while to strangers?" Makoto asked with a frown.

"Sorry..." apologized Kyousuke, completely tamed.

"Whoa. You tamed him just like that? What a relationship..." Doran said in awe.

Kyousuke growled then stopped as Makoto gave him a look.

"So, you came all this way to bring me lunch? Not even bothering to ask if I don't know, maybe I already had lunch?" Makoto said, handing the bag back.

Kyousuke held the bag as a frown was present on his face. Why would he ask if he was going to surprise him? Didn't lovers surprise each other when they least expected it? He thought this would make him happy.

"I'm sorry..." Kyousuke muttered then turned on his heel.

"Wait, Kyo..." Makoto said, holding him back. "I never said I wasn't going to eat it."

Kyousuke looked at him with round eyes. Makoto took the bag back then rubbed the back of his neck.

"You actually saved me. I was too busy working and went to sleep late... Didn't have time to make my own." confessed Makoto, meeting Kyousuke's eyes.

"Will you come home...?" asked Kyousuke.

"Is the place clean?" Makoto asked.

Kyousuke fell silent. Of course it wasn't. What was he expecting? Kyousuke griped his shirt with a sorrowful look.

"Please, come home..." Kyousuke whispered.

"I told you, I'm not stepping foot in there unless it's clean from top to bottom." said Makoto. "So tell me honestly, is the apartment clean?"

"I was cleaning... but then I came here to surprise you." admitted Kyousuke as he let his shirt go. "So no..."

"Honestly... you're a grown man. Act like it." scolded Makoto, bopping him on his head. "I'll see you later."

Kyousuke watched as Makoto and his coworker walked away. He placed a hand on his head as he walked towards the exit with a goofy grin.

• •

Makoto turned off his computer and monitor as it was his usual time to leave. Doran looked at the time then at Makoto.

"You're leaving later than usual... Taking the bus?" asked Doran. Makoto simply gave him a smile and made his way to the elevator. "So he is."

• •

Kyousuke dumped out the contents of a container into the trash bag, slightly gagging at the smell. He was thankful it was the only container. He quietly started to wash it, looking around him. The kitchen was now clean. All he had left to do was the bedroom. He dried the top and container then put them away.

He checked the time. 7:09 pm. Nine minutes past the time Makoto usually came home. Yet another day to check off of him being absent. He looked around the bedroom and pulled out the laundry basket full of clothes. He checked around the room, searching for stray clothing before heading to the laundry room to wash.

"Is it too full to include a few more?" a voice asked from behind.

Kyousuke looked back and saw Makoto looking down at him with a gentle look in his eyes. His eyes widened, dropping whatever he had in his hands to hug him.

"Welcome home, Mako..." said Kyousuke into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I-" Makoto started but was hushed by Kyousuke.

"I'm the problem. You don't have to apologize for anything... I promise I'll clean up after I'm done no matter what it is. Just don't leave me again..." begged Kyousuke, knowing he sounded needy and desperate.

"I do have to apologize. I shouldn't have up and left. We could've worked together." said Makoto, rubbing Kyousuke's back. "I promise I'll whip you into shape until you can't stand the sight of dirt."

Kyousuke looked up at him with a face full of doubt. Getting him to that point sounded more like wishful thinking more than anything. Kyousuke quietly watched as Makoto stripped down then was handed his clothes. It took him a moment to realize he still had laundry to do. He hurriedly left the room and picked up the basket, making his way out to the laundry room.

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