What A Prank

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Misaki snickered as he picked up Judai's phone off the desk after he left the classroom. He unlocked it and quietly went through photos. He quickly sent a photo to his phone and changed the lock screen. Judai came back in just as Misaki had put his phone in his bag.

"They didn't come?" Judai asked, slinging the strap over his shoulder.

"Nope. I just got a text saying they couldn't make it." said Misaki.

Judai hummed then felt his pockets then his jacket pockets.

"It's missing." he muttered, starting to go through his bag.

Misaki took that as his cue to run away and hide. Judai located his phone then put it in his pocket, unaware of the changed lock screen. He turned around and saw Misaki had left without him.

It wasn't until Misaki had entered his room that his phone started to ring. It was from none other than Judai.

"You changed it again!" Judai fumed as he closed the door to his own room.

"It's funny. You really looked like a sleeping beauty with all that drool." Misaki said with a snort.

"Why do you do this everyday? Why?" Judai complained as he pulled a drink out of the mini fridge.

"It's fun harassing you and seeing your reactions. Today wasn't as good as yesterday, but it's enough." said Misaki before hanging up.

It was also a small way to get more attention from him without seeming needy. He chuckled heartily as he decided on tomorrow's photo.

Misaki drummed his fingers against the table as he waited for Judai. A smile formed on his face as Judai cane walking over. It faded once he saw how dispirited he looked.

"Hey, is everything okay...?" asked Misaki, feeling concerned.

"I was kept up all night with a stomach virus... I just got over it half an hour ago." Judai whispered, letting his head rest against the table.

"Oh... Why didn't you call me to stay up with you?" Misaki asked, patting Judai's head.

"Why would I do that and disturb your sleep? I'd feel bad..." muttered Judai, taking out his phone and checking the time. "So, you wanted to study? Or was it help with something?"

"Ah, forget it since you aren't well... You should've declined when I asked." Misaki said, feeling guilty.

"Nah, I'd go nuts if I couldn't see you today." said Judai, finally looking at Misaki.

"That's embarrassing to say aloud..." mumbled Misaki, feeling his cheeks burn.

"Uh, I gotta run to the restroom. Excuse me." said Judai, jumping out his seat and fleeing down the hall.

Misaki picked up his phone then looked at the lock screen. He blinked a few times, unbelieving of what he saw. A photo he had long since believed had been deleted forever was now staring him in the face. It was taken long ago, back when they were testing the waters with each other. It was a photo of them painting shirts, but Judai had surprised him with a kiss, causing him to accidentally get paint on Judai's shorts. Their friend had taken it without their knowledge and only notified them by sending it.

Misaki bit his lip, now wavering on his decision to change it. He placed Judai's phone down. Not today. For today, he'd let the photo stay. He quietly looked in the direction Judai had fled in and wondered if he was okay. He put his phone in his pocket and headed after him.

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