Aizen backstory

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It was a cool autumn evening when Aiken Kyonosuke took in his last look of the night view of the Capital. Walking around with fellow soldiers, enjoying the view around Kabukiza Theater. Everything was peaceful and crime rates have gone down since the new Major was appointed.

They patrolled around, making sure nothing shady was going on until Aizen sensed something strange. It was his weird powers rising to the surface again. It always helped him detect danger and keep those around him safe from harm. Though, there were times when it was late and he was caught by surprise.

He let his fellow soldiers know, having them follow him. They turned into an alleyway and saw a woman being held at knife point and a man begging and pleading. They separated in order to corner the guy. Aizen slowly approached and assessed the situation more. He was seized from behind by accomplices. It turned out the entire thing was a set up as his friends were soon brought over.

Everyone on the shady end had heard about Aizen's heroic feats, throwing many guilty people in jail. They gave him two options, run away and let his friends die or vice versa. Aizen didn't hesitate in having the others run. He fought them off, 6vs1, but was hit from a blind spot, damaging one of his eyes.

He had successfully gotten away, but two continued pursuit. Backup soon came just as Aizen was pinned down. The soldiers pried the woman off just as she directed a blow meant for his forehead was driven into his left eye, damaging that one as well. The last things he had remembered seeing with those very two eyes were the beautifully hung lanterns that shone in the night.

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