Star Studded Blanket

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Serena brought out snacks as Riley sat on the grass in the backyard. She placed them down then draped a blanket over her shoulders.

"You can see them clearly tonight. Wonder if we can see any constellations." said Serena, opening a bag of mini oreos and starting to eat.

Riley silently reached for some. Serena looked at Riley then back at the sky. She knew Riley wasn't one to talk but out of everyone she interacted with, she and her brother were the ones she actually talked to. Today, however, didn't seem like a day Riley would talk to her. She didn't mind. Just being with her was enough to make Serena happy.

"It's getting a bit chilly. Maybe I should bring you another jacket." said Serena, moving to get up. Riley grabbed her wrist, keeping her seated. "Riley?"

Riley scooted over then draped some of the blanket on Serena. She leaned against her and continued to snack on cookies. Serena smiled softly then pulled Riley onto her lap. Riley looked at her as Serena wrapped the blanket around them as she held her by her waist.

"Isn't this better?" asked Serena, giving her a smile.

"Yes..." replied Riley, snuggling closer to Serena. "I like it a lot..."

Serena nuzzled her cheek against Riley's unbelieving of how cute she was. Riley giggled, surprising Serena greatly. Riley never giggled before, not even for her brother. Did Riley like her more than her own brother?

"Did you just giggle? It was so cute." Serena cooed, pinching Riley's cheeks.

"Don't tell... he'll get jealous." she whispered.

"I promise... only if I get to hear it again." said Serena with a grin.

Riley giggled once more, causing Serena to coo again. Riley wanted to do things for Serena to make her smile but often didn't know how, leaving her feeling like a failure and dispirited. Serena understood her and knew what she needed and wanted, just like her brother. That's why she could be more open with her than anyone. She turned in Serena's lap, resting the side of her head against Serena's chest.

"Tired already? Though, I suppose it's late. Want to go back in?" she asked, receiving a head shake from Riley. "Then, let's see if we can make our own constellations, yeah?"

"Yes. I want to do that." replied Riley, looking up at her.

Serena started making up a few, pointing them out to Riley. Riley smiled happily, loving the bright smile on Serena's face.

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