Can't We Leave The Monster Alive?

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Genos clapped his hands and the bedroom lights turned off. He was starting to drift off to sleep when he heard a noise. It was the same noise he heard just before the monster under his bed scared him shitless. He turned the lights back on then looked under his bed and greeted the monster. The monster blinked in confusion and surprise.

"Uh... hi." it replied, crawling out a bit.

Genos sat on the floor then nervously moved around.

"How are you doing?" Genos asked quietly.

"I could be better. It's not easy to come up with ways to scare a person." it replied, crawling out from under the bed. "You?"

"Same here. Been trying to follow in my master's footsteps but it's not easy..." said Genos, feeling tired.

"Tell me about it. I may not know a lot about your problem, but an outsider's opinion could be valuable." said the monster.

"Wait, is there a name I can call you by?" Genos asked.

"Tsukasa. I'm also a male." he said.

Genos nodded then started to tell him all about his feats with his master and how he was practically the strongest man alive. Tsukasa listened intently, learning new things about the man he was assigned to scare daily. He started to lose interest in scaring Genos, finding his adventures far more interesting.

"So yeah. That's basically everything. What do you think?" he asked.

"You live such an interesting life. I'd love to hear more as time goes on." said Tsukasa with a smile. "I mean, you're already interesting because of your cyborg body..."

Tsukasa happily chatted with Genos who showed him cool things he could do with his body. He was pretty impressed by how the monster he's always been afraid of was really just a friendly person who was simply doing his job.

"This may be sudden but, I'd like to be friends with you." said Genos, looking at Tsukasa.

"I have no problem with that. I'd like that too." responded Tsukasa, giving him a thumbs up.

They shook hands then sighed in unison. Tsukasa was relieved he didn't have to scare anymore and Genos was happy to have his peaceful nights back.

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