Chapter 34

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I stood in front of the jail and replayed the events from yesterday in my head. Luckily, sand had cushioned Sam's fall and he wasn't horribly injured. His jaw was bruised, and his lip split open. I stayed behind and nursed him while the police took Nick to jail.

Nick was waiting for me on a bench when I walked in. He looked exhausted and better than he deserved. Sluggish he stood and quietly said, "Thanks for coming to get me. I didn't think you would." I didn't speak but motioned him outside. I did not want to make a scene and get myself arrested.

Once in my car, my rage took over and I laid into him. "Are you insane?! Sam could press charges on you, and you could be sitting longer in that jail cell. What were you even thinking? He did nothing to you. You need help."

Nick listened while I continued my rant.

"He won't press charges. I will make sure of that. And I am aware he is an employee of Union. I will handle it, don't concern yourself with it. Who is he to you?"

"He is just an old coworker. We are friends and it's really not any of your business."

"It is when you call me drunk, and tell me how much you love me, and you will do whatever you can to be with me including not having kids. Kind of makes it my business."

"I was tipsy. Read into it if you want but its was the booze talking." Nick crossed his arms and I threw my hands in the air. He continued to stare at me as if he was waiting for me to proceed with an explanation. I didn't and I wouldn't. Per usual, we were not going to get anywhere with this conversation.

I drove quietly to Nicks. When we arrived, he got out of the car and waited for me to do the same. When I didn't, he came around to the driver side window.

"We need to talk. Will you come in?"

I was hesitant. On one hand I wanted nothing more and on the other I wanted to run over him. I decided on option one.

Nick and I took seats in his backyard and he didn't wait to start the conversation.

"Here's the deal. I love you more than I thought I could ever in this lifetime. I know I said this at the bar but let me say it again. I am miserable without you. When I saw Sam grabbing on you, I have not felt that much anger and fear since I heard my child was being taken from me. I don't know why or how but that's what you do to me. If what you need from me is to go see a therapist, I will. If you want a million babies let's do it." Nick's voice was matter of fact and serious.

Tears filled my eyes. Partly because I was touched by his words and mostly because I burst into laughter at his comment.

"You want millions of babies?" I muddled through the words, still giggling at his comment.

Nick shot me a sheepish grin. "Okay not a million. But I want you to know if you want a million, I am open to having that discussion and spending a ton of money on it. And I set up a appointment with a therapist. I think it's time I seek out the professionals to ensure I am doing everything to make us work."

I leapt into his lap, cupped his face and kissed him, hard.

For the first time in a long time, I was genuinely happy. I may have let my guard down and quickly let him back into my life but I couldn't deny my feelings for him. I was worse off without him. That much I knew. We could work towards mending the past and moving forward, together. Third times a charm? 

After many hours of making out and consummating our "new" relationship, I decided to tell Nick my past with Sam. Surprisingly, he took it well. He was not thrilled at the thought of me being so loose at one time but we both had baggage. 

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