Only Us (Prinxiety)

51 1 2

Tw: Cursing and the murderous kind of fluff

Word Count: 1985


"Hey Ro, how much longer till we get there?" Virgil asked not looking up from his phone.

They'd only been in the car for 2 of the 16 hours it takes to get from Florida to New York. 2 hours. This is going to be a long drive. Roman thought before answering his boyfriend's question.

"14 more hours, love."

Virgil set his phone down. "UGH!! THAT LONG!!!"

Roman laughed a little bit. "May I remind you that we're driving from Florida to New York?"

"Well, whoever decided to drive is an idiot."

Roman laughed again. "You decided to drive stormcloud." Roman would've loved to see Virgil's expression at that, but he couldn't take his eyes off the road or Virgil would freak out.

Virgil tried to move on from the fact that he'd just called himself an idiot. "Well, if we're stuck in this car for another 14 hours can we put on something other than this crap?" He gestured to the radio. Virgil was never one for pop music. Roman would much rather listen to musical theater soundtracks, and that's what he put on.

It was a long playlist that Roman had put on shuffle. The first song that came up was Meant To Be Yours.

Virgil's face lit up. Heathers had always been his favorite musical. Virgil didn't sing, Roman, however, being the extra bitch he was started singing at the top of his lungs. "You chucked me out like I was trash for that you should be dead. But! But! But! Then it hit me like a flash what if high school went away instead!" Virgil stared in awe at his boyfriend. Questioning how he was such a good singer.

Then came a mix of theater songs. However, the order that the shuffle put the songs in was so random. Virgil, being the conspiracy theorist that he was, kept trying to figure out "WHAT THE HELL IT WANTS FROM US!!" Every time another song would start playing Virgil would add on to the story that he'd come up with.

Roman was amused with every addition that each new song brought. After three hous the story went as follows:

(Cautionary Tale (Mean Girls) and Kindergarten Boyfriend (Heathers)) Be careful with love.

(You Will Be Found (DEH)) Even if you're not careful with love, and you get hurt, someone will see you and you'll be found.

(Be More Chill (Part 1.) (BMC)) Once found, be careful what you do and what friends you choose.

(Fight For Me (Heathers)) Also, you will meet someone who's beating the shit out of the people you hate.

(The Pants Song (BMC)) Also, in that moment please be wearing pants.

(Revenge Party (Mean Girls)) You then will invoke revenge on the people that were getting the shit beat out of them.

(I Love Play Rehearsal (BMC)) You will find this person to be incredibly adorable.

(Our Love Is God (Heathers)) You'll then fall in love with this person and go commit murder with them.

(All You Wanna Do (Six)) This person will be sexually attracted to you.

(World Burn (Mean Girls)) This person wants to watch the world burn.

(Two-Player Game (BMC)) This person will become one of your best friends.

(The Squip Enters (BMC)) You will meet another person who will be similar to the Squip.

(Someone Gets Hurt (Mean Girls)) The Squip person will hurt you.

The Not Multi-Chapter Fic Shrine (Multi-fandom Oneshots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon