Logan's "Project" (Logicality)

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Aye yo. Requests exist for a reason. I need more please

Late-night ideas lead to crack fics. (This is why we can't have nice things.)

tw: There is no fourth wall.

word count: 270


If you've read this author's writing before you know that they tend to write Logan being the one not sleeping or whatever it is because of some kind of project.

Yet no one knew what this supposed project was.

Patton had been making cookies when he heard Logan screaming "FaLsEhOoD!!" in his room and decided to check on him.

Patton softly knockdmed on the door. "Lo, honey? Are you ok?"

Logan quickly regained his composure as soon as he heard the knock on the door. "Yes Patton, I am quite alright."

"C-can I come in?"

"Yes, of course."

Patton looked over at Logan's laptop screen. There was a Troom Troom video? What the duck? Patton wondered.

Logan saw where Patton's gaze was and panicked. "I can explain."

Patton nodded. "Please do."

"Umm... these imbeciles think they know what they're doing and they really don't. So I've taken it upon myself to make a list with all the  dumb things they do."Logan looked at Patton and awaited his reaction for a few seconds before quickly adding "If Roman or Virgil figuratively catch wind about this I'm breaking up with you Patton."

Patton smiled. "Lo why would I tell anybody? You trusted me enough so I won't tell. My lips are sealed."

"Thank you Patton."  Logan smiled at the fatherly side.


1. I hate the ending.

2. One of the things said in this chapter happens in A Slice Of My Love.

3. #EvanCanCursePattonCant

Kay bye.


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