Blankets (Boyf Riends)

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I don't even know what I'm doing at this point. I have like 3 stories I wanna update but have no ideas for and like 5 requests on Tumblr.

Help me.

tw: none

word count: 100


Jeremy had been trying to sleep for the past 4 hours, unsuccessfully mind you. It wasn't a severe bout of insomnia or some nightmare or anything of that sort.

It was because Michael was hogging all the goddamn blankets. Jeremy would try to take the blankets back so they were more covering both of them but Michael would just pull them away,

At this point, Jeremy was fricken done with the blanket drama.

"Michael I swear to god if you don't stop hogging the blankets I will put my cold feet on you."

There were no more issues after that.

The Not Multi-Chapter Fic Shrine (Multi-fandom Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora