The End (Boyf Riends)

17 1 2

All I have to say for this is: Behold! The field where my fucks are grown. Notice how it is barren.

(Blame @LuvThecRoNcH I read their angst. I no longer have fucks to give. (HOW DARE YOU TRICK ME WITH A FLUFFY ASS LOOKEN DESCRIPTION!!!!))

tw: suicide

word count: 400

(Also this is like 3-4 years into the future of "They're Waiting")

(Also part 2, the events are loosely based on a fic by @LuvThecRoNcH's fic. Not gon say which one but it's happening.)


Michael had locked himself in the bathroom again. He'd just gotten into a screaming match with Jeremy, and Christine. He heard the door slam as Jeremy and Christine had left the apartment he and Jeremy shared.


*Flashback to shortly after "They're Waiting" do do do*

"Hey, Christine?" Michael called out.

"Yeah?" She started walking away from the group and to Michael who was hanging back a bit.

"If I ever treat him badly, be sure to fuck me up."

She laughed. "Of course. You don't need to tell me twice."

"Are you waiting for something to go wrong so you can beat me?"


Christine wasn't as innocent as she looked.


She really was right all those years ago. She didn't need to be told twice. She fucked him up pretty good and then left with Jeremy as soon as Michael locked himself in the bathroom. 

His hand lingered on the bruise on his arm. For being as tiny as she was Christine was pretty strong.

Michael looked at himself in the mirror and then at the mini-mountain of pills in his hands. Am I really going to do this?


Jeremy and Christine sat in a Walmart parking lot.

Jeremy was rambling and blaming himself. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have pried and-"

"Jeremy none of this is your fault. He was mad and he took it out on you. He shouldn't have done that," Christine cut him off.

"Yeah, but what if-"

Christine sighed before cutting him off again. "If you want we can go back and check in on him?"

"Could we actually?" Jeremy asked slightly hopeful.

"I mean, I don't want to, but if you want to we can," Christine sighed before driving out of the parking lot.


Once they got to the apartment Jeremy walked in and called out for Michael.

There was no response.

"Michael?" Jeremy called out again, panic filling his voice

There was no response.

Jeremy ran to their shared room. 

No Michael.

Jeremy went to the bathroom to see a lifeless Michael on the bathroom floor. He was holding a note and there was an empty prescription pill bottle on the counter.

"ChRiStInE!!! CaLl 911!" He screeched out of the bathroom.


That night the hospital was filled with the cries of two young adults at the bedside of their now-dead best friend and boyf riend respectively.




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