If You're So Attached To Them, Why Did You Kill Them? (Lams)

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Yet another Lams. I still really wanna write some RichJake (BMC). I just need to find some fics.

This one's soooooooo not loosely based on real events.

tw: fictional character death mention

Word count: 282

(It's a modern AU until specified otherwise my children.)

Also, imma just project into cinnamon roll for the like 20 seconds this will end up being.

Also also, fanfic writer John anyone? No one? Too bad.


Alex was trying to ponder where his sobbing boyfriend's train of thought had even come from. "So, you're emotionally attached to this character," Alex asked for clarification for the 5th time.

"Yes, very." The sobbing stopped for a moment.

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, I have no clue about the realm of writing you lay in 99% of the time."

John looked over confused.

"But if they're that important to you, don't you think you wouldn't kill them?

"Alex my love," John started, "you do not lie. You know nothing about the realm of fan fiction at all." He snickered a bit.

"Its called angst. We, the writers, write it because it hurts. We then share it with our readers to hopefully make them feel your pain because sadness and tears are much more satisfying to make a reader feel." John bought a moment. "That sounded not good." He mumbled.

"I still don't understand but sure. Ok." Alex pressed a short sweet kiss to his lover's lips before ducking off to go work on whatever project he was working on.


More Lams bitches. I'm falling asleep. This'll be all for today.

Goodnight and you love you all,


(I still want a make you cry. I have a plot. >:D)

(Legit tho. My phone keyboard and what I was writing started going fuzzy as I was finishing this. I was legit about to pass out. Had to force my eyes to work long enough to finish.)

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