This Interview Is Over (DEH)

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My friend said something dumb. I turned it into this.

tw: Connor was an idiot, drug mentions, cursing

(also like police officer!Jared AU or some shit like that. (Not going to use this again. just a one time thing))

word count: 295


Connor knew he was screwed.

He should've stopped doing crack a long time ago.

And now he's going to get arrested for it.

"So, wait a second, Mr. Murphy please explain to me again how you "accidentally" drugged the child?" Jared asked putting air quotes around accidentally.

Connor couldn't believe it. he was going to get arrested by the kid who ate fucking bath bombs.

"Jared," Connor gave him finger guns after deciding to play up to Jared's rather large ego "My man! You know, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman-,"

"Mr. Murphy, your flattery is not appropriate."

Well shit. That didn't work? WHat? Jared? Serious? Ha. Never thought that would happen.

"You don't need to call me "Mr. Murphy" Jared. We know each other."

Jared was getting frustrated. Why he had to be put on this specific case was beyond him, but Connor was fucking lucky that it was Jared dealing with his bullshit. 

"CON-!" Jared regained his composure. "Mr. Murphy, answer the question. Explain to me how you quote-unquote "accidentally" drugged A CHILD!!! Your sister's an Alana's no less!"

Connor sighed. "Look I mistook the crack for baby formula. There, happy Kleinman?" 

It was Jared's turn to sigh. He completely forgot about being professional in that moment. "Connor, why did you have crack? It's illegal. Crack near a child no less."

"Look. 1. I was panicking. It was crying and I freaked out. 2. That is completely irrelevant and 3. This interview is over," Connor got up to leave.

Connor was arrested and never spoke to Zoe and Alana since.

Their kid was fine tho.


Holy fuck that was dumb.


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