How I Wonder What You Are (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Part 2) {JDonica}

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Straight angst motherfuckers

tw: blood, death, abusive relationships, murder, suicide, basically all the trigger warnings needed for JD and Veronica's relationship in the musical/movie minus the sex

Also if you need a refresher: Heather = their daughter, Xavier = their son

word count: 400


It was beyond Veronica how all of this had happened so fast. JD had been fine for years. She had felt so safe and secure in his arms. But now? 

It was like in that cemetery in high school again.

But worse now.

So much worse.

To the point where Veronica had to take matters into her own hands. And take extreme measures.

Extremely bloody measures.

And god was there a lot of blood.

She walked out of the room soaked in her husband's blood, taking the knife with her. She was about to drive it into her own chest when she heard her children upstairs. She realized that losing both of their parents would not be good for them. They were 5 and 3 now.

She walked up the stairs to where her children should've been sleeping, blood dripping from her clothes. She stood outside the door listening to them singing twinkle twinkle little start together. 

Veronica opened the door. Placing the knife in the elastic of her sweatpants.

The kids looked up at their mother oblivious to the horrors that had just occurred downstairs.

"Hi mommy," Heather, the five-year-old, started, "Where did you get that big boo-boo?"

Veronica smiled at her daughter. "It's not important right now," the child seemed unconvinced but didn't push it. "I heard you two singing."

"Do you wanna sing with us, mommy?" Xavier asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Veronica smiled at her kids and sat down with them. Careful with the knife. The children crawled onto their mother's lap, getting blood on their clothing.

The three of them started to sing twinkle twinkle little star. Veronica started crying about halfway through. 

The children immediately stopped singing and asked their mother what was wrong. (Holy shit this is getting hard to write. Why am I doing this to myself?) 

"I'm sorry. To both of you. To you're auntie Martha and auntie Heather. To your father. To myself. To Kurt and Ram. To Heather Chandler... but this has to be the way it is." (AHHHHHHHHHH I AM GOING TO OOF MYSELF AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT) She grabbed the already bloodied knife from behind her back. Fear immediately in the children's eyes. She rose the weapon above her head and it came back down hard. Several times.

Blood splattered all over the walls, her face, and the carpet.

Veronica broke down into tears.

"Twinkle twinkle little star," She pushed the knife through her chest. Blood dripped out of her mouth. "How I wonder what you are." She took her last breath and shut her eyes.

At least we can go back to being a happy family now.


Yeah so I hated writing this but yeet.

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