New Years Eve (Alternate) (Treebros)

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This is an AU where Connor isn't dead. I'm really sorry for the angst of the first one. But heere. Fixed it with fluff. This is pretty much the same story but with less hurt and more love.

tw: a wee bit of self doubt

word count: 200


New Year's is a time where many people celebrate.

Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen are no exception.

The two had been dating for about a year and a half at this point and couldn't be happier.

They were currently cuddled up on the couch in Evan's living room while talking about random topics with a playlist of random song the pair loved was playing in the background.

"You know," Connor started "I've always wondered what someone like you is doing eating your time with someone like me. I mean you're this sweet, caring, and amazing person. And I'm the kid who got called school shooter that almost everyone feared."

"Con," Evan moved to a more comfortable position to face his boyfriend and cupped his face with one hand. The other was holding Connor's. "I fell for you because I opened my eyes and saw past your reputation and what Jared said about you and saw through to the sweet, caring, and amazing person that you are." He then leaned in and kissed the boy.

When they broke apart Connor had almost started to cry. "What did I do to deserve you? That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me."

Evan snuggled up to Connor and the two sat in a comfortable silence with the playlist still going in the background.

Seasons Of Love came on and Connor stood up and grabbed Evan's hand asked: "May I have this dance m'lady?"

"Of c-course, the pleasure i-is all mine," Evan giggled.


This is how Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy ended up slow dancing on New Year's Eve, and how the two woke up tangled up in each other's arms.


4 hours later (I accidentally fell asleep) but heere. I fixed the angst.

Your semi-late mother,


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