The Cuddle Pile (LAMP)

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A friend of mine said that I should write a cuddle like thingy and here we are. Cuddle pile here we go.

And yes I must have several chapters with Gumball-esque titles.

tw: not taking care of yourself properly (I believe that's it (Em, not cursing? Weird.))

word count: 170


Logan had been having an off couple of days. He simply couldn't convince himself to sleep, no matter how illogical the hours he spent awake became.

One day he miraculously convinced himself that he should take a break. He went to the couch and turned on a nature documentary called The Most Amazing Trees.


Roman, Patton, and Virgil had been plotting to ambush Logan with affection whenever he decided to leave his room.

Today was that day.

As soon as Logan's guard was down Virgil walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. Logan instinctively wrapped his arms around Virgil's shoulders.

Then Patton walked over and sat on the other side of Logan. Logan once again wrapped his arm around the side.

Shortly after Roman cam over and lay down on the three seated sides laps.

Logan smiled fondly at his boyfriends' actions. He knew they cared. And that was enough for him.


To make up for the angst. (Still not sorry)

You're mother who wants her pizza,


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