Singing (Analogical)

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Have some starey gays that like theater that no one asked for.

*has been writing Level 10 and Connor's Guide and isn't used to writing A/Ns*

(You can tell this idea's really old. Heh heh heh)

Side note. This is the first legitimate Sanders Sides fic I've written in almost 2 months. Like not crack. One with really effort. *cough cough* the height difference one *cough cough*

Tw: I don't for fucking remember the words to If I Could Tell Her right now and I don't feel like looking them up. So of I mess up the words just pretend it's a different version of If I Could Tell Her. We cool? We are. Ok so, at the end if last night's party-

Word count: 600


Virgil was chilling on the couch scrolling through Tumblr. Logan was sitting on one end of the couch with Virgil's head in his lap, absent mindedly running a habs through his hair while reading a book. Out of no where the shorter side had started singing softly, more to himself than anyone else but Logan still heard him.

"Boy you got me helpless. Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit. I'm helpless. Down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em."

Logan stopped reading and looked blankly into the book, a visible blush on his face. Virgil looked up from his phone and saw his blushing boyfriend. Opportunities to fluster Logan were slim to none so he decided to continue with the song.

"I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. We were at a rebel woth some rebels on a hot night. Laughing at my sister as she's dazzling the room. You walked in and my heart went boom-"

"Virgil, as much as I love your singing I'm going to have to stop you there. You simply aren't allowed to be cute like that and fluster me without me being able to make a comeback."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Fine then nerd. Shoot."

"I don't even have a-"

"Figure of speech Lo."

"Right. Anyways," Logan cleared his throat. "He thought you were awesome."

Virgil smirked, not a meschivous smirk. More a loving smirk. If those didn't exist before Virgil just birthed them. "He thought I was awesome? My brother?"

"Oh defanitly."


"Well, he said, there's nothing like your smile. Sorta subtle and perfect, and real. And he said, you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel. And he knew, whenever you get bored you scribble stars on the cuffs of you jeans. And he noticed, that you still fill out the quizzes that they put in those teen magazines. (That you pretend that you don't steal borrow from Roman.)

If Logan would have cared to look down he would have noticed that Virgil was Michael Mell Hoodie red and hiding his face in his hands.

"But he kept it all inside his head. What he saw he left unsaid. And though he wanted to, he couldn't talk to you he, couldn't find a way. But he would always say: if I could tell him. Tell him everything I see. If I could tell him how he's everything to me. But we're a million world's apart. And I don't know how I would even start, if I could tell him..."

"MY TURN!!" Virgil interrupted  homing Logan wouldn't acknowledge his blush.

"You are the person I want to be with everyday," Virgil bit his lip for both dramatic effect and out of the sheer nervousness at what he was about to do. "And this is something that I've been afraid to say... you're the guy that I'd kinda be into. The guy I am totally into, this feeling is new. Logan, I love you."

Logan smiled lovingly at Virgil, giving up winning at whatever this contest was. "I love you too Virgil."


I'm realising now how much I love treebros. How much I am mentally scarred from Level 10. Legit I don't think I can write a fluffy Boyf Riends thing. I mean... imma try later but-

Yeet take some fluff. Also how badly did I fuck up If I Could Tell Her?

Also, like y'all requests exist for a reason.


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