Logan And Romance (Intrulogical)

22 3 0

ScOdOlY BoOp BoOp BoOp GaY tImE mOtHerFuCkErS

tw: none

word count: 107


Out of all the sides, Logan was the worse by far with romance. The nerd who was rather stupid with love had found himself rather fond of Remus and the side in question returned the favoritism.

As I stated before, Logan simply did not understand how romance worked. He found himself wanting to hold Remus' hand. He had learned that in order to get what you wanted in life you should start by asking. So that's what he did.

"Umm, Remus," He started as the other side turned around. "Could you hold my hand?"

Remus laughed a bit before grabbing Logan's hand and continuing on their way.


Ha ha ha. That's gay.

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