Still Into You (Sincerely Three)

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idk why I wanna write this. I just do.

Songs a bop tbh

Tw: fighting, yelling, implied panic attacks, implied self-harm


Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together.

"HEY GAYS HAPPY 6 YEARS OF US!!!!!" Jared burst in the door to their shared apartment.

Connor looked up from his phone. "Oh shit. 6 years of you losers," Connor joked as he got off the counter to go get his affection from Jared.

Evan had started to pull Jared to the couch for cuddle time. "6 years huh? We've been through a lot."

"Damn right we have." Connor yeeted his phone on the coffee table as he sprawled out over Jared and Evan's laps.

I need the other one to hold you. Make you feel, make you feel better.

Evan was completely curled up between Jared and Connor. "You guys really need to push harder to make me leave when you guys are gonna watch a scary movie.

"Awe baby," Jared started to run his hand through Evan's hair.

"Don't worry. We won't let any clowns come get our Evy." Connor rubbed Evan's back.

It's not a walk in the park to love each other.

"Jared where's my soup. I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me. I'm fucking dying and I am in dire need of my boyfriend's nurturing," Connor was sick and therefore was much more grouchy than usual.

Jared walked into their bedroom with a bowl. "Maybe if you weren't being such a bitch I could get you your shit faster."

Connor took the bowl and rolled his eyes. "Well fuck you then."



Jared and Connor were still fighting when Evan got home.



This fight sounded much worse than most of the others. Evan sprinted down the hall. Chances are that Jared was gonna end up getting emotional and then say something too harsh to get away so he could have a breakdown alone.

"GUYS!" Evan shouted over the screaming. "Why are you fighting? This is the third time this week! I'm sick and tired of you two going at each other's throats like this!"

But when our fingers interlock can't deny, can't deny you're worth it.

Connor was sitting on the bathroom floor with his head in his knees. He just needed a place where he could be alone and think.

Someone knocked on the door. He figured it was Evan because Jared never knocked. And it was a gentle knock anyways.

"You can come in Evan."

Jared sheepishly looked his head through the door. "You want me to leave know that you know it's me?"

"No, come here Jare."

Jared sat next to Connor on the bathroom floor. "I'm sorry for what I said."

The Not Multi-Chapter Fic Shrine (Multi-fandom Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant