The Blanket Fort (Analogical)

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Ok so. A friend of mine made this request. Fuck the Tumblr app. Now I'm rewriting this on Wattpad to then transfer this to Tumblr.

Tw: none that I can think of.

Background ships: royality, and trashnoodle

Word count: 264


"Come on Lo!" Virgil pleded, pulling his boyfriend's hand.

"Virgil you know I can't. I have things to do."

"But you did things yesterday!! And besides. It's not like anyone's gonna walk in on us. Ro and Pat went on a double date with Dee and Ree."

Logan thought for a moment. "Ugh! Fine! You win!"

Virgil smirked. "As always." He then proceeded to drag Logan down the stairs.

Once Virgil had dragged him to the landing, Logan decided to bring up something that was important to what they were a out to do. "I should inform you that I have never done this before."

Virgil stopped dead in his tracks. "Hold the fricken phone!!"

"No one is-"

Virgil stopped Logan before he could finish. "It's an expression. What I mean is YOU'VE NEVER MADE A BLANKET FORT BEFORE??? I make these with Patton like all the time!! And you've never made one before?"


"Oh god. We are gonna have some fun then."

(Time skip because Em doesn't blanket fort.)

In the end Virgil and Logan ended up cuddling inside of the blanket fort watching whatever was on TV. Paying more attention to each other than what was on.

Virgil was just about falling asleep in Logan's arms when he mumbled "I love you" before passing out.

Logan smiled. "I love you too."


Sup children. I have this. Umm yeah. That is all.


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