Sick Of Losing Soulmates (Treebros)

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I've made Jeremy and Michael suffer enough. John's self oofed a few times. Who haven't I really made suffer? The treebros.

Song fic btw.

Tw: breakups, fighting, yelling, past suicide attempts/being suicidal in the past, implied suicide attempts

Word count: 1185


What a strange being you are.

Evan remembered how Connor was the one kid who didn't have any friends and everyone assumed that he preferred it that way. He didn't though. But as Even grew closer to Connor he noticed all of his weird ticks and fidgets.

Like how he would start pulling the fuzz out of his hoodie pockets when he was nervous. And how he rested his elbows awkwardly and pulled his hair when he was focusing.

God knows where I would be if you hadn't found me sitting all alone in the dark.

That wasn't entirely true. Connor knew exactly where he'd be if Evan hadn't found him that day.

He'd be dead. He would have killed himself. At that time he thought there was nothing. No reason for him to stick around.

A dumb screenshot of youth. Watch how a cold broken teen will desperately lean on a superglued human of truth.

It was true. They found each other at one of the lowest points of their lives. At the time the other was the only reason they had to live. Loneliness does that to you.

What the hell would I be without you?

They both knew the answer. A mess. This is what happens when two suicidal teenage messes find each other and end up relying on one another.

Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth.

If Evan had a dollar for every time Connor said he was ok and that he didn't need to talk about something and wasn't he'd be rich.

Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates. So where do we begin? I can finally see you're as fucked up as me so how do we win? Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates. Won't be alone again. I can finally see you're as fucked up as me so how do we win?

It was comforting to know that there was someone who was just as fucked up as you were in the same ways you were. It allowed for an outlet and helped them feel like the other wasn't staying out of pitty.

We will grow old as friends.

Evan and Connor stuck by each other's side through the rest of their senior year, throughout college and beyond. Their relationship going beyond the realm of friends and into something more.

I've promised that before, so what's one more in our gray-haired circle, waiting for the end?

"Evan I swear to you. I will never leave you. We'll just like, I dunno, grow old together or something." Connor ran his hand through his hair as he let out the thought.

Evan had a panic attack. He was worrying about Connor leaving him.

"You promise?" Evan quirked his head to the side and offered a half-smile.

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