Mischievous Function (Treebros)

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Not a songfic, but based on this animatic. You don't need to play the song while reading this. You should watch the animatic before or after reading this tho. It's really good.

My friend @JustSomeGTTrash helped me plot out like the second half of this thing. Thanks Lex!

tw: Suicide attempts, flashbacks

word count: 1,056

There are a lot of flashbacks in this. (Like practically the whole thing is separate flashbacks.) All of the flashbacks are just italicized text. This: ~~~ will separate them from each other.


Connor sat on the ledge. He thought about Evan and what this would do to him.


Connor and Evan had been dating for some time. Connor still couldn't get over all the cute little things Evan did.

Like sneaking up behind Connor, wrapping his arms around the other's waist and kissing his cheek. Followed by an "I love you".


Evan and Connor were on the floor of Connor's room aimlessly talking about anything really. It was one of the rare times where Evan wasn't stuttering because he had a sudden burst of confidence.

"You know I had a thing for your sister for a while," Evan randomly changed the topic.

Connor sat up. "Wait, you had a thing for Zoe?"

"For like the longest time."

Connor shrugged and lay back down. "Well, at least you came to your senses and decided on the hottest Murphy."

Evan smirked. "Who said you were the hottest Murphy, Connie?"

Connor sat up again and dramatically gasped. Evan started laughing and Connor pouted.


Evan had just kissed Connor in the hallway at school. He mumbled something about Jared.

"Y-you're still picking me up at 8 r-right?"

Connor nodded unable to say anything.

Evan started to walk away leaving a dumbfounded Connor in the hallway before calling out over his shoulder "L-love you Con!"

Connor tried hiding his blush in his hoodie and behind his hair at the same time. It didn't really work.


Connor had come over and Evan had a surprise. He was so excited that he hadn't noticed Connor looked a little down. Evan looked back at Connor and just thought he was deep in thought. Nothing wrong.

When they got to Evan's room the doorbell rang. He told Connor he'd be back in a minute and to make himself comfortable. Or that he could snoop around or whatever.

When Evan came back Connor was sitting on Evan's bed looking through a spiral notebook visibly hurt. Evan looked over Connor's shoulder and read the first line of the page he was on. "Dear Zoe Murphy."

Evan cringed. He knew he should've made sure he had thrown out the notebook after he got with Connor. Too late now.

"Ev, why do you still have this?" Connor asked. Not angry. But more emotionless with a slight undertone of hurt.

The Not Multi-Chapter Fic Shrine (Multi-fandom Oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن