chapter 1

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It was a cold dark night. Bella was walking down the street of Quantico virginia. The weather was starting to change. it was getting colder. If anyone was close enough they could smell the whiskey on her breath. though she would deny it, she felt as though she was the sickest that she had ever been. Not even the whiskey had been able to cure her tonight.

She had just come from the club, where her and the team had been at celebrating. They had just taken down a man who had been torturing woman with acid until they were completely unrecognizable.

Half way in the middle of the investigation, Derek had ordered her to go to the hospital, because she kept throwing up. Yet there was nothing that could be done except they did give her something to help with the nausea. she didn't have a weak stomach, far from it actually, but the photos of the girls had made her sick.

the man who had been responsible was a very sick and twisted man.

Of course there were more than him out there in the world, but what could they do except find them and get them off the streets.

Her mind was a little fuzzy, it had been a long time since she had tasted alcohol, especially one at that strength, but she managed to keep up with the others. Even thought, they hadn't had as much as she did.

She was pretty sure Derek and JJ were the only ones to drink as much as she did. it was then that Bella had made her decision, there was no way that they were human. Adding on to her theory that they were not human, She had heard them speaking of the Greek gods in hushed tones when ever they thought no one could here.

She walked through the town as she headed home, sure she could have called a cab, drove him her self, but she had chosen to walk on this night, which in hide sight was stupid on her part, she was clearly drunk and anything or any one could attack her in any moment.

Hearing a pop, she stopped and looked around. She was at the park. The only lights were the street lamps. She shivered a little at the scene. it was like something out of a movie.

Her hand went to her side where her gun was at in the gun holster. She unfastened the holister making it easier to grab her gun incase of an attack.

She started to walk again, how ever as she turned to start walking she was surprised to find a man standing there, this man was the famous Dark lord of the magical world. Lord Voldemort.

(I know this isn't the real Voldemort but He looks different in my book)

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(I know this isn't the real Voldemort but He looks different in my book)

"Oh my God!" She gasped out in alarm, but did not draw her gun. "You scared the life out of me!" She exclaimed to the dark haired man as she took a shaky breath and then exhaled to calm her self down.

She fasted the holster on her hip and crossed her arms in front of her as she looked him over surprised, he didn't look as if he had aged a day since she last saw him.

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