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The weeks went by and the group noticed a change in their blond haired female friend. Everyday it seemed as though Bella was getting more and more drained. She started sleeping a lot more, she missed a lot of classes, but she made sure to be there for transfiguration and Defense against the Dark arts. 

They wondered whether it was from missing her friends back home or her spy work. They had picked up a pattern of her leaving the castle ever so often. Currently they were at breakfast. She was having a hard time staying awake. 

There had been whispers, rumors about her health. Several times Bella had ran out of the room in tears because of some of the comments consisted of pregnancy. Those rumors were quickly shut down by Selene, Bakura, Atem, and surprisingly that Undergrove girl. 

"Bastard people need to mind their own business" Bakura grumbled as he sat down beside Marik. 

everyone went quiet as they all looked up at the podium and noticed that Dumbledore was standing there waiting patiently. 

"as you are all aware tonight is Halloween" Dumbledore started to say. Harry groaned a little. Something always happens on Halloween. "this year the teachers and i have gotten together and decided that we are going to celebrate Halloween in a slightly different manner." he explained. 

"what does he mean?" Bakura asked. 

"normally we just have a huge feast" harry shrugged. "but bad things always happen on Halloween" he added.

"this yeah we are going to have a Halloween ball" Dumbledore explained. everyone erupted in chatter. "everyone will have the day to go into Hogsmade and pick out costumes at the stores. or make up one of your own. But if you do leave the school you will have to sign a paper stating when you left and when you return" He explained. "the doors will open at 5:30. 1st and 2nd years curfew is 10;00, 3rd and 4th 11;00, 5th year and up midnight" he explained.  

"that sounds like fun" Yugi said. 

Bella sighed a little. "i know what he is trying to do" she mumbled. 

"what?" Harry asked. 

"He feels that i am over worked and need time to 'relax'" Bella said with a roll of the eyes. 

"well you do" Bakura said. 

"no more than anyone else" Bella denied. "besides...I have horrible luck with it comes to Balls and dances" she said

"One you've been helping spy, two you have been doing these classes and the work on top of helping me and Ron train and control our animangus forms. that's not counting work for the order, and what ever Voldemort has you doing, and don't forget what the moon cycle is" Harry said in disbelief. 

Bella groaned a little. "don't remind me" she mumbled as she laid her head on the table. "between helping Remus and dealing with my own..." she trailed off with a sigh.

"see, you need a break" Yugi said firmly. 

"so what do you guys want to do for costumes?" Harry asked. The group looked at each other thoughtfully. 

"Lets head down to Hogsmade after we eat" Marik suggested. 

"Ill have to make up something with what I've got" Ron said a little put out. 

"don't worry Ron. I've got you covered" Harry said reassuringly. 

"You don't have to" Ron said as his ears turned red. 

"It's fine Ron" harry said reassuringly. 

"are you guys done eating?" Bella asked looking up at them. They hadn't touched their food in a while. 

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