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Shock filled the room at Voldemort's words. They stared at him unsure if they had heard him correctly or not. 

"She's your what?" They asked. 

"And my mother" Bella added, which confirmed Melino's suspicions, as she forced her self to stand up as she walked over to Voldemort. "Hermione was right in a way. He is my uncle. We have acted as husband and wife to throw off the death eaters and everyone else. We could not let them know i was related to him" She explained. 

"now i understand" Atem whispered. "this is why you were so persistent" He said. Bella only nods and bowed her head like a child caught in a cookie jar. "Why didn't you just tell us?" he asked looking at her. "we could have helped you sooner" he said. 

"I...I wanted to" Bella said sadly, her voice broke a little at the end. "I really did...i just...I couldn't let the others find out" She said looking up at him. "Pharaoh....Hermione...Granger cannot be trusted!" She exclaimed. 

"whoa...how did this get to be about Granger?" Marik asked. 

"Bushy haired girl, who is constantly trying to but into everyones business...know it all granger?" Melino says slightly surprised. 

"Granger is part of all this! she isn't a muggle born like it is believed. She is Lucius's secrete lover." Bella replied. "don't ask me how i know this." she added seeing their looks of disgust. 

"oh....that's just nasty" Melino says looking away looking like she was going to puke. 

"I don't want to know how you know that" Marik said looking like he was going to puke. 

"Is there anyone else that you know of that cannot be trusted?" Bakura asked. 

"Goyle and Crab. Draco's bodyguards...but i told you about them already" Bella replied thoughtfully. 

"Thats an obvious though" Melino says confused. 

"Lestrange" Voldemort spoke up. 

Bella looked over at him. "lestrange?" she asked confused. 

"Rabastan" Voldemort explained. "I've noticed him and Lucius have been getting closer" he explained. "Rudolphus not so much, he hates Lucius." he added.  "especially now that Bellatrix had her miscarriage." he said. 

"miscarriage" Atem and Bella said as they tensed. This was a very sore subject between the two.  

Melino flinched and looked away. Bakura unconsciously migrated towards Melino wrapping an arm around her as she leaned into him 

"that is troubling" Bella said looking down with a worried look on her face. 

"he has already started trying to get Bellatrix on her own" Voldemort said. "She quickly put him in his place" he added with a smirk. 

Bella smirked at the thought. "good, I'm tired of him getting everything he wants handed to him on a silver platter" she added. "what about...him" she asked looking towards the door. 

"Wormtail...he has outlived his usefulness" Voldemort said offhandedly. 

"who?" Melino asked. 

"traitor" Bella replied coldly. 

"good, then he is to turn himself into the ministry and clear Sirius" Bella demanded. Voldemort looked down with a sigh as he walked over and laid Marie down in her nest before turning back around and leaned against his desk as he crossed his arms in front of him. 

"that is do able" Voldemort replied. 

"you sound as if you don't really want that to happen" Marik commented watching Voldemort. 

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