Untitled Part 8

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Bella made her way to to boys room where she had suspected them to be. She needed to talk to Dumbledore about what she found out, but she would have to wait. as she walked up to the room she heard Hermione talking to the boys. 

"I know what i heard!" Hermione snapped. 

"So she was talking to some one! it could have been anyone!" Harry exclaimed. 

"So she just calls any one 'My lord' Seriously, are you seriously going to sit there and pretend that she isnt at all suspicious" Hermione yelled. 

"Im going to shut you all up right here" Bakura said with a growl. "one she calls this dolt" Bella assumed that he was talking about the pharaoh. "my lord, plus she had an uncle who is a king! and guess what? he also knows the queen of England. Try again" he said coldly. 

"why would she call you that?" Ron spoke up, but if was all muffled. Bella made a face as she guessed that he was stuffing his face with food. 

Bella pushed the door open and glared at them all. "or why don't you just ask me your self" She said coldly as she walked into the room. 

"hi Bella" Yugi chirped. 

Bella walked over and got onto the floor bowing to Yugi. "pharaoh" she said before looking up at him and saw he had a very uncomfortable look. She inwardly snickered as Atem took over. 

"I take it you heard?" He questioned as he sat back on the bed thoughtfully. 

"Of course my pharaoh" Bella said calmly. "i was indeed talking to my uncle" She explained.

"Your Uncle is Voldemort" Hermione questioned Coldly. 

"Damn it Hermione Why cant you just be happy for me. I'm finally getting away from the Dursleys." harry said getting angry. "you said it your self Hermione Dumbledore trusts Snape, well he trusts them too. I heard it from him, himself Bella is getting custody of me and he is fine with it. or are you admitting the 'great Dumbledore' is wrong" harry said coldly. 

"wait....lets just...step back" Ron said looking uncomfortable. 

"Im just saying you are normally careful about these things. I heard her" Hermione exclaimed. 

"why don't we just bring in an expert" 

they all looked over and saw a red haired girl. Harry's eyes lit up as if he remembered something. 

"Ginny and i would be the ones who would know his voice. we have talked to him personally Hermione. you haven't" Harry said, 

"curiosity" Marik said raising his hand. "why have you?" he asked. 

"every year he seems to like to attack me" Harry said dryly. 

"from what i hear he at least waits till the end of the year" Bella commented thoughtfully. That had to count for something right? 

"that is weird if you think about it...its like he is testing what you have learned" Ginny said snickering a little as she sat down on one of the beds. 

"If you do not mind...I'm not someone who likes being on their knees" Bella said dryly and stood up. she swayed a little looking dizzy. Atem's hand shot out and grabbed hold of her arm  guiding her to the bed where she sat down. 

"are you ok?" Harry questioned. Bella only groaned. 

"No feeling very well" Bella commented. She looked up at Atem. "yugi chirps like a bird" she says randomly. Atem stared at her taken back at the comment. 

"wait...what?" Atem asked. 

Bella then pulled out her phone. "here Ill just call my uncle" she said. 

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