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After the sorting Bella watched the groups reaction as a bunch of food appeared in front of them. She grinned in amusement at their reactions. 

"whoa!!" Marik exclaimed and quickly began eating as well as Bakura. Yugi was more civil about it. She felt someone watching her, so she turned and looked to see who it was. It was Minerva. *Figures* she thought looking down. *i should probably just tell her and get over with it* she thought as she took a bite of a grape. 

Bella looked over at Yugi who was trying to describe something to Harry and Ron who were just as fascinated as can be.  

Bella tossed the piece of grape and ran an hand through her hair. 

"it something wrong?" Bakura asked. Bella shakes her head a little bit.

"memories" Bella replied as Yugi, Harry, and Ron looked over. 

"We don't have to be here" Bakura reminded her. 

"I know. I started this. I think i should finish it" Bella replied as she looked up at him. "This is my fault. I've got to fix this" she said determinedly. 

"None of this is your fault. Things happen" Harry said shaking his head. Bella looked up at the teachers table again.

"People just don't know when to take a hint" Bella said with a scowl. 

"what do you mean?" Ron questioned. 

Bella scoffed. "Well, let's put it this way, James had a habit for wanting to see nothing but the good in people." she explained. 

"Sounds familiar" Bakura said playfully shoving Yugi. "you sure do know how to pick them" He added in a teasing tone. 

"Yeah...James was short too" Bella added with a smirk. Yugi blushed a little. 

"Hey! you are short too!" Yugi exclaimed crossing his arms with a huff. 

"So...i mean..i dont mean to upset you but...why did he just dump you for mom, i mean...didn't you say he chased her for years before they got together?" Harry questioned. 

Bella shrugged a little. "the potter curse i guess. They way potters are supposed to have really untamable hair and a love for red heads" She explained. 

"it's a curse alright" Harry grumbled. 

Bella sighed sadly as she stared at the table. "James...god he was so frustrating. I even have the perfect song that just describes it" she added with a scoff. She began staring off into space allowing her mind to wonder back to the past and with out realizing it, she had begun to sing almost as if it was habit. 

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold
Something is familiar
Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold
I can sense you there
Like a friend I've always known
I'm arriving
And it feels like I am home

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside
You have secrets, too
But you don't have to hide

Suddenly Bella stood up and began walking towards the door of the great hall. actually it was more of a strut. she knew all eyes were on her, but she didn't care. She was sure she caught a glimpse of the teachers table. Minerva had a stunned expression on her face. Selene looked amused. 

Bella's eyes glanced around. She could feel the judgment coming from some of the students, but she didn't care. Why should she, they were all just a bunch of kids. Nothing about them mattered to her in the slightest. 

how yourself
I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been looking for
All of my life?
Show yourself
I'm ready to learn
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah

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