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Melino and Bakura were dancing together off to the side as the music played in the back ground. 

"how did your day go?" Bakura asked. Melino frowned as she looked away. 

"It was..." she trailed off. 

Bakura frowned. "I thought Bella said you were spending the day with Selene?" he says.

"we were" Melino says quickly. She sighed as she shakes her head a bit. "Selene...Had her baby." She says. "It was just...a lot happening" she explained. 

Bakura looked surprised as he heard what she was saying. He nods a little going quiet. He looked to the side and suddenly looked bewildered. 

"what?" Melino asked as she followed his line of sight only to see Tom and a woman together. (Minerva with out her glamour's.) Minerva kissed Tom, which caught him off guard, before running off over to Bella and dragged her away from Yugi with a yelp. 

"Uh...Ill figure that out later" Melino says looking confused. 

"damn, He couldn't have waited?" Bakura grumbled to himself, thankfully Melino had not heard what he had said. 

Melino dragged Bakura over to a table when she saw snacks on the tables. She picked up a rose shaped cookie with sprinkles on it and took a bite. "mmm" she picked up a cup that filled up with juice. 

"That good huh?" Bakura asked amused. 

"As good as cookies go...yeah" Melino replied looking over at him. 

"hey mel, um..." Bakura trailed off. "um. would you mind if we...took a walk out side?" He asked. 

"oh...um sure" Melino says as she followed him out of the great hall looking confused. 

They walked out of the castle and into the court yard. It was quiet and awkward between them for a few moments. 

"So" Melino says looking over at him. 

"so" Bakura echoed. "um...right." he says 

"Are you ok?" Melino asked concerned. "why are you acting so weird?" she asked. 

"I...I'm not" Bakura stammered out. "look. I" He sighed a little. "I just wanted to talk" he says. "Im not all that great at talking" he says with a scowl. 

Melino chuckled. "yes, im aware of that" she says as they continued walking through the court yard. 

Hearing a crack. they turned and looked to see Fireworks coming up into the air and exploding. 

"They are really going all out this year" Melino says surprised. 

"yeah. First Christmas and now this...Dumbledore said something about...this has been eye opening...we need to enjoy life while we can. that sort of stuff. getting your soul sent to the shadow realm will do that" Bakura says. 

"right" Melino chuckled a bit as she stared up at the sky watching the fire works. 

Bakura felt his mouth go dry as he watched her in anticipation. 

Melino gasped out as she stared up at the sky. Some how the fire works had exploded and moved into position causing them to spell out 'MEL WILL YOU MARRY ME?'

Melino looked over at Bakura with shock filled eyes as he pulled a ring out. 

"I made this a long time ago" Bakura says quietly. "Bella...managed to find it on her trip to Egypt. They day she received the necklace. She held onto it until she found me. I've been holding onto it since. Hoping..." 

tears welled up in Melino's eyes as she stared at him. She was trembling, but slowly she nodded. "Y-Yes" She choked out. He slid the ring onto her finger and she jumped up excitedly wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. 

Bakura was slightly stunned by her actions, however he wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her back. 

Somewhere out of sight was Bella, Minerva, and Ginny who were watching the whole thing and orchestrated the fireworks. They slipped away and went back to their dates. 

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